Beach apartments
Sims 4 — Beach apartments by plumbobkingdom — Two seaside apartments on a paradisiacal beach, boasting spacious balconies

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Created for: The Sims 4

Two seaside apartments on a paradisiacal beach, boasting spacious balconies and a vast ocean view, inviting relaxation under the radiant sun, nestled among palm trees, offering the warm embrace of a tropical garden. Both retreats, though differing in size, share the serenity of crystal-clear waters and the gentle murmur of the waves.


- 4 bedrooms (Being 1 in the first unit and 3 in the second unit)

- 2 bathrooms (1 per unit)

- 20x20 size lot

- price 80,010

- by PlumbobKingdom

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ItemID: 1685407

Revision: 2

Filesize: 297 KB

  • Value: 80
  • Recoloring Allowed: No
  • Furnished: Fully
  • Stories: 3
  • Lot Size: Other
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There is 1 comment on this article

dasie2 ∙ Jan 12, 2024

very pretty \:wub\: