Planetarium Restaurant
Sims 4 — Planetarium Restaurant by evi — It is a authentic restaurant for all. At the first floor it has a romantic aura

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It is a authentic restaurant for all. At the first floor it has a romantic aura and is great for couples. On the second floor it is the party area with drinks, gourmet dishes and excellent music under the stars. Enjoy the place!

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ItemID: 1419529

Filesize: 209 KB

I have used the following packs:
Cheats used:

-> bb.moveobjects
Please do not re-upload or claim as your own.

1. Danuta D720 concrete walls
2. Evi Hellenic tiles
3. Evi colorful floor tiles
4. The Numbers Woman Pro-Cars
5. D2 diamonds carpets
6. Wondymoon Antimony sofa
7. Wondymoon Antimony cushion 1x1

  • Value: 1129000
  • Furnished: Fully
  • Decorated: Throughout
  • Stories: 2
  • Lot Size: 40x30
  • Custom content: Creation needs CC (links to all needed CC listed in the description)
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There are 6 comments on this article

alyqa71 ∙ Nov 26, 2018

How come i cant get this in my game? please help me this looks really cool and i really wanna try it out. thanks.

SunflowerGurl VIP ∙ Aug 30, 2018

beautiful done and decorated very cool thanks

helen.nichole22 ∙ Jul 11, 2018

where do i find the cars

dasie2 ∙ Jul 11, 2018

Fantastic place \:wub\:

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