Member Blogs

Rustic Restoration Bath, Part I

Hello everyone!

I just completed Sims 3 sets, Rustic Restoration Bath, Part I and Part II. The first set, Part I is scheduled for publication on March 30, 2022. Part I includes 8 new meshes/objects, which are a designer bathtub, a different type of pedestal sink (with lots of slots), a well-stocked bath cabinet (two color variants), bath salts, the famous Miller Sisters hand lotion set, a bath brush with towel, a bath stool, and a laundry hamper. I hope you enjoy the set and Part II is coming later in the week. Scrub-a-dub, take a relaxing bath in a spa tub.

Carolyn, aka Cashcraft

thank you 2 random people

thinking about that time i wanted to find top scar cc for the sims and i couldnt find any bc i didn’t know where to look so i made a forum post on here and two whole people chimed in with links to top scar cc and i just wanna say thank you to those two people bc they made the sims game of a random transmasc genderfluid person just that much better just because they felt like being nice <3



My journey has begun in updating my baby cc. I never could have done this without the help and encouragement of The Sims Resource - mcrudd  so I'm sending a big shout out and much love to her. TSR has also been very helpful in helping me as well. I'm not moving very fast but I'm headed in the right direction. My sincere apologies for taking so long to get this done. Not only has some of my baby cc been updated but it now includes all Sims 4 babies not just some. Hope you like them. For those of you who like and download my content it would mean so much to me If you get the chance would you please stop by and show mcrudd some love for helping me please and thank you? She has some amazing cc.


Much Love 


So about this Sim creation thing...Amadaeo Creations

Hi... Amadaeo here of Amadaeo Creations...(If I could change my profile name...that would be  **EDIT** He was, in fact, able to change his name)

It's definitely been a learning curve! It started out with just fiddling around in CAS...trying different looks, skins etc...

Then I noticed that they were starting to look pretty good / lifelike, and I thought, why not share them with everyone? Its great to have diverse Sims outside the usual townie fare. Lord knows, Divaka and other creators have fueled my Sims sessions with their creations :) 

I'll keep creating...its too much fun not to do. I will take a stab at making male Sims, but I feel like they are limited in looks to some degree since you dont use a lot of makeup, eyelashes etc...things that drastically alter the look of a female Sim...but I'll give it a go. 

Until next time... :)

!! Coming Soon !!

MARVEL Movie Poster Set's

New MARVEL Movie Poster Set's coming guy's, These set will be in 4 Parts as contains 31 recolors,

Set's will contain all MCU / Disney+ movie / tv show Posters, Perfect set for any MCU fan.

Hope all you MCU fan's out there love this set, Will make more if set's our liked

P.s MARVEL Wallpaper In Works

Merry Christmas and Have Happy New Year

I want to apologize for my old baby cc not being updated. I know I said I would. Like so many others I've had suffered personal losses and illnesses these past couple years. Losing people you love unexpected or expectedly the hurt is the same. I had no problem making new baby content but failed for some reason at recreating my or updating my old. Please forgive me. I'm too shy to ask for help and so stubbornly I tried to fix it myself to the point of frustration. I love to make baby cc but I just can't seem to get it together and went to a place in grief I never should have went. With time and healing I hope to get back in there and make content you may love again. I just want to wish each and everyone of you who have supported me a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Much Love to all.



Wish you all relaxed and happy holidays with your loved ones and, for the New Year, especially health and that all your wishes come true. I hug you all and thank you for the many lovely comments. I hope to see you again next year!

Return after absence

ah, im sorry i havent been checking in here at all since my first upload! i became overwhelmed with all my projects and sort of stopped simming altogether.

i've tentatively returned to it now, and have been resuming work on my sims 4 Enterprise-D.

im unsure how much i will be posting here (i will try), but you can find me on tumblr (kotakesims)

WCIF Naturalis Living room

'Rustiko' rug jute by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Amena' rug by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Squadros' rug by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Naturalis' Painting by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Naturalis' Flower Mirror by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Naturalis' kids plant by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Naturalis' Dried plant Poppy Seed Head by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Naturalis Office' plant 5 by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Naturalis Office' decor bike by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Naturalis Office' curtain tropical by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Naturalis' basket by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Naturalis Bathroom' suculentas A and B by SIMcredible @ TSR




'Naturalis Dining'column by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Naturalis Dining'ceiling lamp by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Spring Aroma' Cushion Left by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Naturalis' Flowers plate by SIMcredible @ TSR



'Naturalis Pantry' Basket with Lid Wicker @ TSR



'Bontempo' tapestry currently only available at Patreon (soon on TSR too)

'Suavis' cushions for loveseat currently only available at Patreon (soon on TSR too)


Thank you for 5,000,000 Downloads! ♥ Kisses :*

Creator In The Making!

Hello! To start, I have a few years on this website, and posted a couple of creations a long time ago, for Sims 2. I'm really in the mood to be a current The Sims creator, and I'm trying my best to learn features that are compatible to me for creating, so, right now, I'm creationg some content to upload here, soon, lucky me! (yes, I've chose Sims 4 Studio).

Small Spaces Foyer, November 21st

The Sim 3 set, Small Spaces Foyer is scheduled for publication on November 21, 2021. The set is a collection of designer and vintage furniture for a foyer or living room. The set includes a chaise (loveseat) with brass buttons, a channel cushioned armchair, coffee table book, rubber plant, satchel, a vintage side table, a throw for the chaise, torchiere lamp, large vase, wall painting with 3 variations, and a small owl sculpture in brass and cream ceramics. A discerning guest will enjoy the comfort and style of your foyer. A set collection folder is available for download here.

I'm baaacccck!

Hey y'all,

I'm back! I had to stop creating custom content because of health issues but I've recovered my health, and I feel so much better now.

A few months ago, I was asked to create a few birthday party invitations for my 5 year old great niece. It was a lot of fun; I hadn't done anything creative in nearly 2 years. So, I decided to try creating a new Sims 3 set. It was a struggle initially I've forgotten so much, but "muscle memory" kicked-in and I finished my set. Woo-hoo!

The Sims 3 set that I created is called, Small Spaces Foyer, it's scheduled for publication on November 21, 2021. The set is a mixture of vintage and contemporary furnishings for a foyer or living room. I hope to create a few more Sims 3 sets and eventually move on to creating and converting some of my previous custom content for Sims 4.

Thanks everyone for the greetings and well wishes, it's good to be back!

Take care, Carolyn, aka Cashcraft

Game play Stories - COMING SOON

New Blog Stories - COMING SOON

I have decided I am going to start sharing my game play, not sure whether or not to do it in blog format or another way.

I am open to suggestions....

Problem with Mesh

Hallo all together,

i am from please don´t wonder abot my bad english. 

I have downloaded a few CC things..... and i need mesh...but it isn´t inclouded and 

it isn´t a link for the Mesh there.

Where can i find the Mesh? 

WIP (work in Progress) Naturalis Bathroom - coming soon!

Hey Simmers :)
Naturalis Bathroom will be coming soon!

Did you miss 'Naturalis' series? We did!

♥ 'Naturalis' bathroom is being created now and soon you'll be able to add a bit more of natural elements and woody palette to your sims homes.

Just a pinch for now ^^
Stay tuned and safe, my friends! 🙂
Much Love for you ♥

Half Haven v1.1 - THE SIMS 4 save file by Ashuria

Hey everyone! First blog post here and just here to let you know that the Half Haven v1.1 save file project is now up and running!


Happy Simming! ♥

Surprised and proud

That´s what i am now. 

I became Select Artist in October 2021 and i did not expect that.

I´d like to thank each and everyone of you, every Simmer on the globe, because you made this possible in one way or another.

Happy Simming and Take care



Hello my simmers!

Soon I will post my recent creations. 
Some of are already on my gallery, if you like search it under the name barb2earth.

Love xoxo

Challange for all who play sims 4

This is a challagne for anybody whos willing to take it up. I want you to try to make a family from your favorite anime charcter shipped together. You up to the challange? Write and post a comment if your in.


Sims clothing.

Hey y'all, im new to this whole blogging thing. But im trying it now. Come to my blog, thingy. We can talk about clothing styles, house designs, what era of clothing you put your sims in, and share cheat code. Since, I guess cheating in sims is allowed. Cuz of the code. I want to get a lot of followers. So Please everybody. Like,and share my blog with others, so it can spread. 

Thank you ♥

Hi Simmers 😊

Well, we are here to share with you our new milestone.

Today is SIMcredible's 18th anniversary.  It's a big child now ^^

Our website ( was launched in October 2nd 2003. On that time, vibrant pallets were trendy and the website look was a bit retro, in pink and green colors (as shown in picture). We had just 5 sets for the Sims 1 that day. Slowly we created more and more.

 What we didn't know on that time is that 18 years later we would still love this game, just as when we were under our 30's... this is true love ♥

During these years we created... 

  • 183  The sims 1 sets
  • 187  The sims 2 sets
  • 290 The sims 3 sets 
  • 253 The sims 4 sets so far (and counting...)

more than 10K pieces for your games... and if you're still reading all these info we are sharing, we would like to give to you a sincere and hearty thank you


For being with us, for so long or for so little, for support us ♥ 

If you are our patron, if you bought any of our support sets, if you share your comment with us letting us know you've enjoyed our work, if you appreciate our efforts or even sharing a picture using one of our content. Thank you! 

You're part of this milestone and we appreciate a lot being part of your game 😘 It is a pure honor to decorate your sims homes ^^

Thank you so much!

And let there be more 18 years ahead 😄🤞

Back from the dead!

Back from the dead! Some years passed, more gray hairs but still rocking CC! 😁


Please visit me on instagram too:

Thank you all for your ongoing support!!! Happy simming!!!

Why Blog About The Sims 4?




    The reason I chose this topic is I have a huge passion for The Sims 4 and The Sims series in general. This passion started in 2003 when I was 12. I was watching one of my foster brothers play The Sims. In 2010, I bought The Sims 2 from a garage sale and it was the first game in the series I ever played. I played The Sims 2 until my computer could no longer run it. (The Sims 2 was not compatible with Windows 7 and I had to do some tweaks to get the game to work.)

    The Sims 4 was on sale for the PlayStation 4 in 2018 and that was a chance for me to try out the game. My experience with the game was not incredibly good until I bought a copy for PC from Amazon, which was also on sale. Since then, I acquired downloadable content (DLC) and got to know The Sims 4 well. I have never been passionate like this about any video game ever!




Thank you for over 400k!!

Okay so this is amazing! Thank you all for the support you've given me thus far! It's been amazing and I've never felt so loved in all my creating life! 

Transferring our older sets to TSR

Hello Simmer :)


First we want to apologize for the pause in the 'Naturalis' series ( yes...!! there will be bathroom and living from this series ^^ ) but i had to take a small time to take care of my health :)

Aside this, we are completely rearranging our site in order to make it more compressed and a bit less expensive to us.

That means that we are transferring our older sets to TSR and make our entire sims 4 collection available from there.

You won't be able to find past released sets on our website anymore.

Slowly they will be uploaded at TSR and you'll can have them back!!

Of course, they are available at our Patreon too, a set per zip file ;)

That's it for today, guys! ^^

Much love for you and take care


If you haven't seen episodes 7-9 (finale)

Check them out! 

WCIF Naturalis Dining set

Hello Simmers :)

It's time to another WCIF list of objects. Now it's the compilation of all used items to compose our Naturalis Dining screenshots:

'Naturalis' glass bottle and cup with rope by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Bontempo' separator by SIMcredible @

under Misc Rooms


'Naturalis' Jute round Rug by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Rustiko' rug jute by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Naturalis' Giraffe by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Naturalis' kids room plant by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Mix it!' sectional table by SIMcredible @

under Bathrooms


'Naturalis Office' End table by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Naturalis Office' armchair herringbone by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Naturalis Office' curtain tropical 1x1 by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Naturalis Office' painting by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Evening Falls' Blinds by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Modern tribal' tapestry fringe by SIMcredible @

under Dining rooms


'Naturalis' basket by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Altara' Curtains (1 tile) by Nynaevedesign @ TSR


Atlanta Decor Items AVAILABLE FOR ALL


Short URL:

Enjoy it! Padre

WCIF TV corner set

Hello Simmers :)

Here we go with the WCIF list of objects used to compose our TV corner screenshots:


'Jules' Dream in English by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Come Cozy' floor lamp by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Solatium' books by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Squadros' wall art by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Calligaris' welcome  by SIMcredible @ TSR


'ScandiFever' fireplace by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Morning Tea decor' books by SIMcredible @

under bedrooms


'Granny's Greatest Hits' Glasses by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Zara' rug by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Naturalis Pantry' Shelf by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Modern Tribal' Plants & Books by SIMcredible @

under Dining rooms


'Nature In' Living green wall by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Dual channel' rug 2 by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Green Time' cactuses by SIMcredible @

under Outdoors


'Gardening Foyer' cactus by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Keep Life Simple Living' cushion and frame by SIMcredible @

under Living Rooms


'Vitra' decor fruits by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Warmy' Animal sculptures by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Keep Life Simple Entrance' bag by SIMcredible @

under Misc Rooms


'Naturalis Office' curtain Geometric by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Oh Reykjavik' Frames by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Hot Wind' column by SIMcredible @ TSR


'Lyne Curtains II' Medium Sheers 2x1 by NynaeveDesign @ TSR



Atlanta 1 Set is now available for all

Having spent a few weeks as VIP Early Access items, I am delighted to say it is free for everyone!

Short URL:

I do hope you like it. All the best, 


Invisible crib mod updated for game version 1.73 (15-may-2021). Added missing base skin tones for black babies.

Mystical Oasis

Mystical Oasis


Welcome to Mystical Oasis, Such a Paradise Spa, here you can relax and unwind.

There are yoga Classes every 20 or so minutes. Everyone is so friendly. Come get a massage and most of all just have a fun relaxing time. Did I mention there is also a gym.

How to create that detail of the Naturalis pantry room.


A simmer asked how to make that detail on the right corner of this image from the Naturalis pantry room.


So, here we go:

The column is from our Hot wind set and you can find it here:

The panel is actually a wall and you can find it here:

Since it's a wall, it will drop when you drop the walls. So, if you prefer an object that does not drop when wall falls down, you can use our Mix It separator ( - under bathrooms - 'Mix It!' set ). It looks gorgeous too (as you can see on this image):

In additional, the glass separator can be found here:

Hope you liked it :)

Happy simming!


Thank you for 50K!!!

Oh my!! I've just looked at my downloads!! Thank you guys so much for over 50k downloads! It really means so much to me that people actually like my content!! <3 

Thank you for 150.000 downloads


thank you at all for 150.000 Downloads of me recolor creations.♥

Credits to all Mesh-Creator on TSR, with the lovely and new stuff ♥♥ for the community.

And a big thank you for the TSR-Team ♥♥ for your help and support.

Have a nice time, happy simming.

bye Ws



WCIF Naturalis Kids and Nursery list

WCIF Naturalis Kids and Nursery list:

'Naturalis Nursery' set by SIMcredible @ TSR -

'Naturalis Toys & Extras' set by SIMcredible @ TSR -

'Naturalis Kids Room' set by SIMcredible @ TSR -

'Naturalis Kids decor' set by SIMcredible @ TSR -



'Spinning Joy' sheep by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Spinning Joy' cherry tree and birds by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Spinning Joy' toys by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Kids camping' bag by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Kids camping' paintings by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Kids camping' toy zebra by SIMcredible @ TSR

Pefume bottles from 'Modernism clutter' set

Under Bathrooms

'Rustiko' cushion by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Rustiko' soap glass by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Gloss' Boxes Pile by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Naturalis Office' flower by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Naturalis' Dried plant Poppy Seed Head by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Naturalis' Office plants by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Naturalis' plants by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Coastal' Hydrangeas in glass jar by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Athena' Little lamps by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Chlorophyll' minibike by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Chlorophyll' plant by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Morning tea' curtain: > left menu > bedrooms 

'Delicata' curtains by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Zara' lamps *for clothes rack* by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Bathroom Charms' cotton swabs by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Warmy' birds sculpture by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Teen Edition' books: > left menu > Kids / teens

'Natural Stone' 3 steps  by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Mix it!' separators and sectional table: > left menu > bathrooms 

'Hot wind' fern by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Squadros' plant by SIMcredible @ TSR

'Scandinavian Wall Set' by SimFabulous @ TSR

'Mountains wall' by Severinka @ TSR


Currently Working on...

I have almost completed my animal prints collection!! Only a few more items. Currently I have started working on my Leather and Lace collection. I can't wait to post some of my latest creations. It's alway exciting to see if others like them as much as I do...

Thank you!!

I would just like to say a massive thank you to all the support over the last few weeks! It has really meant a lot to me to see that so many people enjoy my content! Thank you so much for helping me become a Select Artist and I hope you enjoy my future content!! 

Latest Headlines

Rustic Restoration Bath, Part I thank you 2 random people UPDATED BABY CC So about this Sim creation... !! Coming Soon !! Merry Christmas and Have Happy... HAPPY HOLYDAYS Return after absence WCIF Naturalis Living room 5,000,000 Downloads! Creator In The Making! Small Spaces Foyer, November 21st I'm baaacccck! Game play Stories - COMING SOON Problem with Mesh WIP (work in Progress) Naturalis... Half Haven v1.1 - THE SIMS 4... Surprised and proud Barb2Earth Challange for all who play sims 4 Sims clothing. Thank you ♥ Back from the dead! NEWS and INFOS Why Blog About The Sims 4? Thank you for over 400k!! Transferring our older sets to TSR If you haven't seen episodes 7-9... WCIF Naturalis Dining set Atlanta Decor Items AVAILABLE... WCIF TV corner set Atlanta 1 Set is now available... INVISIBLE CRIB MOD UPDATED Mystical Oasis How to create that detail of the... Thank you for 50K!!! Thank you for 150.000 downloads WCIF Naturalis Kids and Nursery... Currently Working on... Thank you!!
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    Published November 15, 2022 •
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