Member Blogs

Bungalow Windows Part 2

Currently I am working on a second set for the Bungalow Windows.

I think the picture says it all..

~ 2,000,000 DOWNLOADS GIFT ~

Hey Guys ^^

Oh my God, after 1.5 Years I finally got over 2 Million Downloads!! Incredible!! :D So I just wanna say THANK YOU for your lovely comments, guestbook entries and messages, every single one makes me happy and I try to answer all of them. I've made a little gift for you which is ONLY available through this link:

Have fun with it and keep on Simming!! :)

Linda aka Lutetia

TARDIS update and new items coming

Hi Everyone!

So I've gotten to a point of having a TARDIS in the game, but it's not working 100% yet. You can see the progress here. So... it'll be uploaded as soon as I can fix the problems :)

Also, in honor of the 11th Doctor, I've made a sonic screwdriver accesory and I'm working on a fez and a Handles (the cyberman-head) object. I'll also be working on more Doctor Who clothes and posters soon.

I haven't had much time to work on CC this week, but these will be up ASAP. In the mean-time, enjoy TSR!

Working on the Freya Livingroom!!

Working on a livingroom to suit the Freya Dining... Want to see the work in progress picture?? 

Please check here

Working on a TARDIS

Now that I feel fairly proficient in doing recolors, I'm working on creating a TARDIS object for the game but so far have been having trouble with the meshes not working in the Sims4Studio :( SO, as soon as I can get that working, we'll hopefully have a TARDIS for the game :)

Bird Set

Bird Set

new sims story


I have made a new sims story here!! It's really fun to make but it's hard when it comes to sims 4. You can't move the sims, instead you have to make them teleport everywhere! And making all the poses are hard too, for me, because I'm not used to blender. But oh well! It's really fun, so if any of you guys like to read stories, you can check out mine :)


“She knows what she’s asking me about now! She must know! I mean what went in her head that this would be a good idea? She knows I hate him, he bullied me in 6th grade. I know she’s my best friend but… alright! Fine! I will make Cassie’s cousin, Alex fall in love with me!”

New Diningroom Sunday Available for Sims4 and Sims3!


My New diningroom *Freya Dining*  which will release this sunday will be available to players from both the Sims4 as the Sims3 players! 

I hope you all will enjoy these latest meshes :D


Sims 3:

Sims 3

























Sims 4:


TS3 fifth conversion pack

New conversion pack is available on my tumblr page, four pair of shoes were converted. Download them HERE

.Package Files

I have noticed some people don't know how to get poses or skintones. On TSR and other sites, they have .Package files. They are kind of like saves in your game like if you save a color for hair. You can't open them though. Here is a way to get them in your game.

Step 1. Go into your documents folder. Then find this Documents>Electronic Arts>The Sims 3> Mods. Create the Mods folder if you don't have it already.

Step 2. Create a new folder in that mods folder and name it Packages.

Step 3. You need the Resource.cfg file in your Mods folder. Link-

Step 4. Download the Resource.cfg, unzip the file (if it isn't already), drag it into the Mods folder. It might appear under the Packages folder.

Step 5. Put your .Package file into the Packages folder.

Step 6. Enjoy and hope it works!


That's how you do it in 4 easy steps! These step also work on other wedsites. You might need to extract files into your Packages Folder. Hope this helped! .   .


NCForever blouse


new top

NCForever blouse

Hello everyone ;)

Hi everyone! 

I am getting a lot of messages and comments about hairstyles I am using on preview piectures. And considering the number of them I decided to make this little post to answer it, so you can freely go and download the hair.


All hair I use on my previews are from two amazing creators, who you can find on this site (TSR) and they are : Alesso and Nightcrawler_sims

I am personally using ALL hair from those two, I have every single piece in my game. I hope that will help a little ;)

Happy simming ^^


Kitchencounters and the EA Dishwasher

With the new EA Update came a Dishwasher. It uses only the EA counters bcoz the animation for counters has changed.

I will update my Kitchencounters within the next weeks after I can be sure that EA has fixed the bug that Sims reject to use the Dishwasher.


Current Project

Hi guys!

First, I want to say thank you so much for commenting and downloading all the time! You're the best <3

I just wanted to let you know, that I'm working on a special creation at the moment ;) A lot of you already asked for it! Here's a little sneak peek of it, can you guess what it is?

Sneek Peak


Have a wonderful day, hugs and much love!

No Time and This Isn't Helping...

Lately I have been extremely busy at work and at home. I work for a traveling agency - which is fun and frustrating all at once - and while I love the job, it still wasn't enough to keep me entertained so I kept my old college gig of tour guide in Prague. Apparently it was all great and managable as long as I managed my time between friends, writing, travelling and movies. Not so much when me and my very good friend finally came out of denial and started dating.

Usually I'm great at time management. Usually I'm also a great cook but I have not been able to enter the kitchen for a week now. :)


I had to drop the tourguiding - a thing that hurt me very much because of all the great memories I had of the job. I didn't even get to go home this summer, that's how crazy things have been. But now I'm determined to get back on the horse and make a nice time table between work, friends, writing and this one annoying guy I really should have dropped, were it no for the beautiful things he says. Like 'I'm forgetting something, am I not? Oh, a book! Nearly left home without a book. The horror!' or 'If someone attacks us in this dark street you run. I will cry I have no money and I refuse to surrender the comic book and maybe they leave us alone.'

But the most important thing: I decided to give sims 2 hours a day, twice the week, TSR time included, so if I submit something and it gets rejected it won't be back until the end of the week. And it WILL get rejected. I'm dumbing it down as much as I can, but sometimes I just give up and post it elsewhere. Anyway, I'm working on the first chapter... wrong. I'm working on getting the first chapter approved, which is so much harder than working on the chapter itself.


Just wanted to let you know I'm doing my best, not procratinating somewhere...




Thank you people!


I would like to thank all users that in these
years have enjoyed my creations and who downloaded
so my items and my houses!*__*
Thank you very much!
I continue so :)


A worm -  HELLO - to all of you! I am back from hollydays with new ideas and a lot of ne inspirations!  So be anxious and enjoy!!!

Flower Power

Flower Power


Can somone make me 3 cute teenage boys please ? maybe girl too? Please...... if i don't have it that i need i can't make my sims series some i will make...... please see this fast:(...

kardofe_Princess bedroom_Bed

Ya ha cambiado el archivo de la cama en "kardofe_Princess bedroom_Bed"

kardofe_Princess bedroom_Bed

Hola a todos, Lo siento si he causado ningún daño a cualquier persona en su juego con mi "kardofe_Princess bedroom_Bed" que había tenido en mi juego, como hago con todos mis creaciones y me funcionó muy bien, no me dio ningún problema, por lo publicado, nunca publico algo sabiendo que no funciona bien.

Lo he hecho de nuevo y estoy esperando un personal TSR respuesta a sustituir.

Lo siento, y muchas gracias a todos por su paciencia





Hey. So im not going to be able to upload creation much because im taking part in the #Wattys2015 on wattpad here is my profile link: so check me out if you like? so i wont be able to upload alot all the month of august then again in end on august and start of september so im sory guys. Also one of the people that inspired me to make this account (PralineSims) commented on one of my creations so thank you so much sorry


Pardon me for shouting . . but 7 million downloads seems pretty much like shout-worthy to me!

Thank  you, sincerely, to all the wonderful people who have downloaded - and continue to download - my patterns, paintings and lots.  With a steady output like mine, it is becoming more and more difficult to find fresh material . . .but your support keeps me looking - and of course, if you look hard enough you will usually find something that works. :]

So, please take a bow my friends and know that I appreciate every single download.  




Welcome :)

Hey Guys! So im new to The Sims Resource and i wanted to make a blog post. Since The Sims 3 i have wanted to make poses and some custom content. Im new and just learning so please be sort of kind to me but if you dont like something please tell me and i will try to improve on it. Expect some uploads soon! I will try to make a blog post every Monday or Tuesday so look out for that.

<3 GamerCookie <3

Thank you!

Just wanted to thank you for almost 30k downloads. :D That's a lot for me (considering I have only one proper creation). I shall get back to TSR soon. (I still have some unpublished work). 

See you soon then. :) 

Walking Down Memory Lane

I was just looking at some of my creations and reading my tutorial on meshing and wow--what a long time ago it all seems. I quit meshing and creating because my work life exploded at the same time as my computer died in a wind storm. I was sad to leave it behind. I do still miss it at times, but really my inner geek has fun at work (I'm in accounting--spreadsheets yay!) and my inner artist finds expression with my hobbies (drawing and painting.) However, I still love the Sims and was an avid Sims 3 player and have moved to Sims 4, but I do still return to 3 and sometimes 2. Also, I discovered Sims Medieval a couple of years ago--what fun that is! I love all of the work people are doing and I still think that the Sims Community is a unique and wonderful place. Thanks TSR for doing what you do!

Mundo Sims Viciados :D

Fala Povo Bunito!!!

Sou Viciado Em TS, Tenho Todos eles até o 4 só tou esperando Lançar o 5 :3 :D 


Well my summer ended last week, that's is why i'm back to school. I may not have a lot of time to upload more builds but I will try my best to keep on uploading, specially now that I have fallen in love with house building. Thank you very much to all who downloaded my builds!

Project: Hacienda Real de Guadelupe

Hi all, 

I've been working on a Hacienda lot, but I'm not quite ready yet to share it as I still have to figure out all the custom content I've used. I love the CC, but it is so hard to keep track of all the CC that you use.. But anyways, in the meantime, I took a lot of screenshots to show you around the house. As I'm relatively new I don't know where to best put this stuff, but I guess a blog is as good as any ;-)

Welcome to Hacienda Real de Guadelupe - a spacious five bedroom (5 baths) house surrounding a central courtyard. Open corridors give access to all the main areas of the house, and supply the necessary breeze during those hot summers. Several family rooms, as well as a bar room, with attached home cinema room and a game and bar room provide all the entertainment one can wish for.


The hacienda is entered by the Torre, a central tower connecting the wings and the courtyard.

Torre entrance hall 


The Torre connects two wings: the Guadelupe wing which holds all the main living areas, as well as most bedrooms and the Caballero wing which holds the guest quarters and the entertainment rooms.

Courtyard from G Wing (view of the central courtyard from the Guadelupe wing)


The central courtyard is surrounded by open corridors that connect all rooms with the central courtyard. 

Guadelupe wing corridor


The Guadelupe wing corridor is intersected by another central tower that connects to the courtyard and lanai on one end, and gives access to the central living areas.

 (view from the courtyard access door to the living quarters and lanai)

dining room 




Kitchen/Breakfast room area:


 (behind the stone wall a secondary stairs leads to the first floor)


 This concludes the first part of the tour, more to follow ;-)

I am now on Twitter!


I'm happy to tell you all that I'm now active on Twitter :) If you want some updates about me/my work and more, you can follow me @BenLachowskii



P.s: You can also find me on Tumblr where I post my TSR creations, WIPS and reblog photos from my favourite community members


Sim rejected ~ uhboo.

Hello lovelies ♥.

So I usually upload sims on here, sorry for my lack of activity, but I'm working on it ^o^, however, the sim I approved myself got rejected, because I'm not allowed to approve sims myself. *sigh* I already told them that they should have told it straight away or made a real on it. It never said sims weren't allowed to be always tested first. =__='

My two sims Kyani Iro and Bace Iro were both accepted by myself too. I wonder if they will take those down now. What a wonder, I never had any 'bad download' messages and both sims have over 10.000 downloads lol. The discovery that it's now a must to be tested first surely made me less excited to publish on TSR -.-'

But oh well TSR must have their reasons to become extra careful =='

Argh, now I need to wait longer before I can upload another simm ;3;

Membership Renewal Dilemma !!!!!


The Submissions Area has been an issue for me and many others since the start of the year, i decided a few months ago, that when my membership ran out (which is today) then i wouldn't renew it until the Submissions Area was fixed.

However, having spent less than 5 minutes not being a VIP Member, the ad's over riding everything (ncluding full page coverage when trying to log into the site) was TOO MUCH & everything ran slower than usual.

Because of this i have renewed my membership again which i was against doing so soon.

I don't mind advertisements on the site but personally for me it was too much to handle and very frustrating.

Fingers crossed the Submissions Area will be fixed SOOOOOOON ..... :)


First time!

I don't really know what to do here... I'm not a creator so I won't have too much to share about my The Sims, but I do hope to write some stuff from time to time. I'd like to be useful to everyone somehow, so if there's anything I can do for you, please let me know. :)

Also, if you want any advices on your sims, houses, worlds or well, creations, I'd be glad to help you with a review. If you need comments let me know, I'd be glad to give them to you. But not all the time, of course.

To share a little bit about me: I'm not a very lucky person when it comes to The Sims... I only own the base game and one Expansion Pack (Generations) because my parents think it's a waste spend almost fourty euros on an expansion pack, so that makes it hard for me to convince them to buy me some more, but I'll ask one in each birthday and I'll get there!

It is a bit hard to choose wich Expansion Pack I'd like to have next, because I really seem to like University Life, Seasons, Supernatural, Professional Ambitions and World Adventures, so I'm a little confused on what I'd want to choose. If I had seen the Generations pack earlier I would' have bought it. Don' get me wrong it's quite cute and all, but it seems more like a Stuff Pack rather than an Expansion.

But well, I'll get there, I don't really seem to like The Sims 4 anyway so I won't want to buy it. I truly believe it's ridiculous to have to pay for an update, shouldn't they have just done the game with that update? I mean, what The Sims doesn't have toddlers and pools?! I think that it was all planned just to receive some extra money, so I won't buy it, it'll only make me feel like I fell into a trap or something. Yes, I am THAT weird! Haha.

Well, I have nothing else to say really.

Stay well! =^^=

~ sineyin


P.S.: You must be wondering why 'sineyin', right? If not then you won't need to read too much tomorrow. Hehe.

[TS4] How to Install Sims & Lots

In The Sims 4, there is a folder called Tray for lots and Sims. It is located in:

Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Your User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Tray

Windows Vista, Windows 7/8, Mac: Users\(Your User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Tray

Lots and Sims use several different types of files. Both use a type known as .trayitem . Lots also use .blueprint and .bpi files, while Sims use .hhi, .sgi and .householdbinary files. These files can be installed by extracting them from the archive file they are in, and placing them in the Tray folder; there is no need to do anything else to them.

You must unzip the file and place only the tray items in your tray, not the zip file.

Once you have placed them there, you should be able to find the Sims or Lots in ''My Library'' in the game once you launch it.

[TS4]How to Install .Package Files

In The Sims 4, there are two custom content folders: Tray for lots and Sims, and Mods for other content. Both of these folders are located in:

Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Your User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\

Windows Vista, Windows 7/8, Mac: Users\(Your User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\


When you download Custom content for your game, this comes in .Package files.

All custom content in Package files need to be placed in the Sims 4 Mods folder. 

The Mods folder may contain sub-folders. If the Mods folder does not exist, it can be created manually. The Mods folder will contain a file named resource.cfg . If it is deleted, the game should recreate it.

Thank You FEMA!

Texas was declared a Disaster Area after all of our flooding, so thankfully we were able to call on FEMA for assistance.  It seems strange to be thankful for being officially declared a Disaster Area...but, I am truly thankful for the designation and SO grateful for FEMA!  We have been approved for help and assistance - which we are sorely in need of!  Hopefully this help will enable us to reclaim our home and repair some of our possessions.  (Sadly, many irreplaceable items are gone forever...)   I do not know how long this repair/reclamation process will take, or if we'll be allowed to remain in-house while it occurs.  Life is weird & strange right now, but I hope & pray it's looking better soon...  I just wanted y'all to know where we're at in our recovery process and I wanted to, once again, say "Thank You" for your support, encouragement, comments, and downloads!  


Okay so I am trying to learn how to use TSR. To me right now it is frustrating but I am sure i will get a hang of it soon. I am having gastric sleeve surgery on Wednesday july 22nd and hoping that things go right and everything. I am trying to find things that will keep my mind off of not being able to do a lot of things until I am healed. TSR was one of the things i thought would help me ease the time and such. Hope everyone is having a blessed day.

Entrance Lighting

Entrance Lighting

Nightlight Switch Set

Nightlight Switch Set

Latest Headlines

Bungalow Windows Part 2 ~ 2,000,000 DOWNLOADS GIFT ~ TARDIS update and new items coming Working on the Freya Livingroom!! Working on a TARDIS Bird Set new sims story New Diningroom Sunday Available... TS3 fifth conversion pack .Package Files NCForever blouse Hello everyone ;) Kitchencounters and the EA... Current Project No Time and This Isn't Helping... Thank you people! BACK AGAIN!!! Flower Power Help..... kardofe_Princess bedroom_Bed kardofe_Princess bedroom_Bed DollopO Gone SEVEN MILLION DOWNLOADS! Welcome :) Thank you! Walking Down Memory Lane Mundo Sims Viciados :D School... Project: Hacienda Real de Guadelupe I am now on Twitter! Sim rejected ~ uhboo. Membership Renewal Dilemma !!!!! First time! [TS4] How to Install Sims & Lots [TS4]How to Install .Package Files Thank You FEMA! TSR Entrance Lighting Nightlight Switch Set
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