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Created for: The Sims 3
This is a Set with 2 Creations - Click here to show all
A high-waisted shorts and a string top for your teens.
Only base game needed.
Comes in four styles.
Recolorable in 3 channels.
Thank you for downloading and have fun !
Short URL:
ItemID: 1232544
Filesize: 836 KB
PLEASE DO NOT RE-UPLOAD, modify or claim as your own!
I’ve all Expansions and Stuff packs up to Into the Future installed on my computer.
Created with Game version: and Patch level: 1.67
Just install the dress via launcher.
Many thanks to Cmomoney for her wonderful pose player.
I usually use poses from JuBA_Oo, Etenila, Maximumsims, Traelia, IMHO, BlakC, Inna_Lisa, Foomfay, Mamyrocker, Dsimse, ForeverHailey, Schokobiene, Rayne and Mimoto. Thank you for all this wonderful poses.
Credits: TSR Workshop, Hair by skysims, Sintiklia, Make-up by Pralinesims
- Age : Teen
- TSRAA: Yes - What's this?
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