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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
A smail sailing ship on a sunset sea. 2 paintings with a similar subject, with identical frames - .mix and match or hang singly. Cost : 5. Found in Paintings and Posters. .
Created in the base game, so available to everybody. Custom thumbnails. Preview screenshots taken in a live game, with the in-game camera. WYSIWYG.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1477856
ItemID: 1477856
Filesize: 198 KB
These painting recolours are marcorse original works, created in the Base Game exclusively for TSR on an EA mesh. You may do exactly as you wish with them in your own game, but . . .
You may NOT recolour them for upload, nor claim them as your own work They may NOT be included in any Lot or other file uploaded to any site outside TSR nor to any social Network .
They may be used in Lots uploaded exclusively to TSR.
Thanks to the TSR artists whose creations appear in my preview images.
Special Note: If you are looking to identify items from my previews, all my objects are either base game [fully patched] - therefore readily available in game inventory - OR downloaded from TSR. If the object is not in your game, please use the TSR search engine before asking about particular items from these screenshots, as I frequently remove CCs from my own game and may not readily be able to identify your request. Also, some items may have been sized up or down from the original.
Credits: EA/S4S/TSR artists whose work features in my preview/s.
- Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio
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