Pink Parfait
Sims 3 — Pink Parfait by marcorse — Matthew Linacre was born and grew to young adulthood in a fairly ordinary part of

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Created for: The Sims 3 Creator Terms of Use

Matthew Linacre was born and grew to young adulthood in a fairly ordinary part of town - not in the derelict little hovels of Slum Town but neither in the glossy mansions of Snobville [the names of these locations have been changed to protect those who need it], but somewhere between the two extremes. His parents were hardworking and thrifty, and Mattie and his siblings were not lacking in love or the essentials for a happy home environment - good, plain food, a warm bed, adequate clothing and a family with which to share it.

By the time of his 12th birthday, Mattie Linacre had begun to act differently to his brothers - one older, one slightly younger - and even to his sister Lillie, who was 14 and quite capable of presenting a meal for the family when her mother was indisposed, but somehow always doing so with less than good grace. Mattie had long nurtured a desire to be a chef. . . a secret longing that he had not shared with anyone, fearing that he would be ridiculed or, at best, tolerated and encouraged into more 'manly' pursuits. He had taken to spending his free time after homework and chores, in the kitchen watching and doing odd jobs for his mother as she prepared the evening meal, but also poring over recipes in magazines and newspapers -on the quiet of course. Molly Linacre was nobody's fool and she had sensed that her middle son was in the process of building courage for a request of some sort. . . she just didn't know what that might be.

Molly found out one late summer afternoon, when she was about to prepare a dessert for that evening's meal . . . Mattie had been hulling strawberries - 2 for the bowl and 1 for Mattie - and quite out of the blue, blurted out ' Mum, I think your recipe is missing something. It's nice, but it needs a touch of something to make it special!' He hurried off and returned with a small bottle of orange juice from the pantry ' Try marinating them in a splash of this for a little while before you put the rest of the dish together'.

Then the whole story rushed out; he couldn't keep quiet a second longer . . . His mother stood there with her mouth hanging open - the penny dropped! This was what had been eating at Matthew for the past couple of years. He was interested in cooking - well! well! well! To Mattie's everlasting astonishment - and silent apology - his parents were enchanted with his obvious determination to follow a culinary career and promptly set about the arrangements.

That was where it began. Mattie's apprenticeship was long and not always 'sweet', but he had plenty of the family trait of perseverance and graduated with distinction from the classiest cooking school in the State.Then followed years of on the job training, then more years of travelling to the next fantastic opportunity, until one day, Matthew Linacre's name was recognised across the country as renowned in his speciality - Desserts.

Mattie married and began raising his family while pursuing his love of all things sweet, but one day he decided that it was time to settle in one place permanently and so plans were drawn for the first Linacre mansion. It was built and people passing by were so often heard to remark ' it looks like that pink parfait that Mattie made into his signature dish on TV' , that, over time, the mansion became known as . . . Pink Parfait.

THIS Pink Parfait! THIS 3 storey, 3 bedroom, 4 bathroom solid stone home with a delightfully-pink tile roof.

It has been carefully maintained and is in original condition throughout. So original in fact, that there is a large space on the top floor that is still to be developed. Mellow timber has been used to good effect throughout for furnishings and fittings; wiring and plumbing comply with today's specifications and all appliances are current model. Living areas are on the ground floor - as is befitting, the kitchen is roomy but compact with no wasted space. 2 bedrooms with baths, a study corner, computer station, artist space and a wrap-around sunroom are on the second level; and there is a purpose-built sound studio, another bedroom with bath, plus a weights and game room, on the top floor. A 2car garage is snugged in under the sunroom.

Life would have to be sweet, if you lived in a Pink Parfait - wouldn't it?

Special mention: Three files in the preview images won't appear in the thumbnail credits are they were sourced outside of TSR. The Table Hosta from lemoncandy : the Backless Shower from HugeLunatic and the Horse & Elephant ornaments from hazuitokage are available as free downloads from ModTheSims at

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ItemID: 1001077

Filesize: 14 MB

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Credits: TSR and the TSRAA artists whose works appear here/ as detailed above.

  • Price Unfurnished: 99890
  • Price Furnished: 192366
  • Furnished: Fully
  • Decorated: Externally
  • Bedrooms: 3
  • Bathrooms: 4
  • Stories: 3
  • Lot Size (z): 30
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There is 1 comment on this article

AllyBabeAllyiah<3 ∙ Jun 29, 2012

What kind of sims 3 is it for i have the regular one