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katalina's Guestbook

francienNov 21, 2010

Hi Katalina\:wub\: so great to read your sweet reply on my lot Daisy!! to be true-it's also my kind of house..I love this kind of houses because in real they have all kind of corners and rooms where you don't expect them..modern is great either but I know my limits haha. Saw you have been busy yourself, will take a closer look at them after my reply to you\;\) a few days back I installed after midnight..wowsers that city looks so realistic with the huge appartments..but I think I can't do much with it..only play a while from time to time and go's back to the other neighborhoods to build. Anyway, thank you so much again I appreciate your words it's a big compliment \:D  Wish you a great week \:wub\:

MajikGoldyNov 21, 2010

Hi Hun it's so good to be back \:D new stuff is published tomorrow \:rah\: I'm starting a new project. \:confused\:not sure what yet. I lost almost everything i had made recently. still got all the old stuff. \:\)

PralinesimsNov 21, 2010

  Hello Kat!!\:D !!!!!!!Thank you so much for all the wonderful comments you left me on my creations!!    I wish you a gorgeous sunday and a sweet week\:D Kisseeeeeeeeesssss\:wub\:\:wub\: huggggggggggggsssssssssssssssssssss\:rah\:  

lilliebouNov 21, 2010

\:wub\: \:wub\: \:D Ok! :P

MajikGoldyNov 20, 2010

Thank you so much for your very kind comment on my dragon archway I love fantasy and will continue to make whatever I can. My computers been in the shop for the last week but I'm back submitting new stuff now. I have a wall torch that I'm submitting tonight. hope you like it \:wub\: thanks again

ziggy28Nov 20, 2010

\:D Hiya Kat!! You had been so quiet I though you had snuck off for another cruise \:P I know how you feel Im glad it is Friday too..\:rah\:  To much rush, rushing in the week and then I look back and think what did I actually do \:P I know its different for you because you are at work \:wub\: Thank you for all the lovely comments on my recent and upcomming paintings \:wub\: I glad that you like them, I like making the asian paintings they are so pretty. I threw in a few screenshots of Eygpt too, I know members like the Egyptian themed pictures too. \:D I hope you have a wonderful restful and stress free weekend \:wub\: TC ((((((hugs))))) Lorraine\:wub\:

Peachybitz1Nov 19, 2010

\:o \:wub\:  I'd love to tale pics professionally..don't think I'd make any money though \;\) Things in real life tend to move, no pause button for us \:D (Gosh, wouldn't that be cool)(and a fast forward button!)..I've got a few pics in my gallery..I like landscapes in RL and I've recently discovered the macro button on my camera so I've really got into flower pics..flowers are just gorgeous..and even then I have to hope there is no wind or all I get is a colourful blur \:D But I like to look at them \:\) Maybe with time I'll get better, but for now..I'll stick to the Sims \;\) I'm really pleased you like my screenshots \:wub\:

hatshepsutNov 19, 2010

Thank you for commenting on Humble Crescent. \:wub\: Hmm, I suppose the name is a bit misleading and the price tag is a bit on the expensive side! \:D  Still, it's been fun so far going back over some of my old sims 2 lots and seeing how I can improve on them for sims 3. \:\)

Peachybitz1Nov 18, 2010

\:o \:wub\: Thank you \:\) What a lovely thing to say... But they are only as beautiful as the game allows \;\) All I do is point and click \:\) I'm just lucky I have a pretty decent pc that I can push up all the detail sliders to max in the game..the new one with the Reflections and Water detail is pretty cool..I can't get blocks of colour anymore like I used to because everything is reflected in the rivers..but funnily enough not on lots that have a lake or pond(!)..but it does make the pics a little bit more realistic \:\) Can't wait to see what they come up with next \:\) But.... Thank You , you really made my day \:wub\: Hope you are having a great week \:wub\:

JCIssetteNov 18, 2010

Good morning, Kat. Thanks so much for your great response to Pandora. Oh, it would be a perfect world for elf cottages and elfs.\:D  TSR has the elf ears. Be sure and take pics so I can see what all you are doing with the world. It has a lot of possibilities. I really like the elf idea and can't wait to see what all you do. Have a good one and chat later. Hugs, Judy\:wub\:

KrissNov 16, 2010

Hi and thanks for your sweet comment on the Monterey Set. \:wub\:

lilliebouNov 15, 2010

\:wub\: Thank you so much for your comments on my inn, my upcoming house.. and especially in my blog post \:wub\: I love you very much, my friend! Have a nice day \:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\:

JCIssetteNov 15, 2010

Thanks, Kat, for that great comment on Eden Pond. It was fun to do. I want to do a larger one sometime in the future. My Sims really loved swimming there and hanging out. It is a good place for the family to go. Well, have a great week. Hugs, Judy

deeiutzaNov 15, 2010

Hi!Thank you so much for your comment!\:wub\:

mrsimulatorNov 15, 2010

Hi!! Thank you so much for your comment on my lot Starling, Take care!

ziggy28Nov 14, 2010

\:D Hiya, I have checked out your Victorian Shoppes, very nice Kat \:wub\: And the new cottage is really cute \:rah\: I dont know how you have the patience to make houses..I would end up screaming \:P I guess that is why I make other things \:D I hope you have had a good weekend \:wub\: TC ((((hugs)))) Lorraine

ziggy28Nov 13, 2010

\:D Hiya!! Thank you for your comments  \:wub\: Im pleased you like my new asian paintings \:D I hope you are having a good weekend \:wub\: TC ((((hugs)))) Lorraine

wolfspryteNov 13, 2010

Hey Kat!!  Thanks for the advice... seriously! I will take that under advisement...  I do love country/shabby chic...  And, I do have a couple ideas for "clutter"/decor to go with a couple sets...   Oh and thank you for the compliment about possible FA potential...  may we become FA's together!!!  \:wub\:  HUGS Melissa

fredbrennyNov 13, 2010

Hi Kat \:wub\: Thanks for all the awesome comments on my latest lots! Also for commenting on my art... you are right... that one picture was inspired by the great kubists... Picasso certainly was one of the artists in mind when I had to do this painting in a kubist way...\:D Thanks!!!

wolfspryteNov 13, 2010

Hi there!! \:wub\:  Thanks for the lovely compliment on "Victorian Charm Dining"...   I won't ever be as wonderful as Cashcraft... she's got that market cornered!! lol  Have a great weekend!! HUGS Melissa

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