frisbud (140302)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (439 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Sam_Adult Summer Daze Kyu
Published Apr 6, 2012
My Latest Sims 1 Creations (885 in total) Show all my Sims 1 Creations
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
Hello all! My name is Samantha, but you can call me Sam. I have been creating for Sims games since 2002, although I didn't start uploading anything until 2003. For those who may want to use my creations, I have a few simple rules...
Sims1 Terms of Use --
-- You may not upload my creations to another site without my permission. If there is something of mine that you want to host on another site, all you need to do is ask.
-- If you wish to use my creations as a base for your own work, please ask first.
Sims3 Terms of Use --
-- You may use my creations for any Sims or houses/lots that you are creating. Credit and a link here to my TSR profile would be nice. For those who submit to TSR, my Sims3 items are listed as TSRAA.
-- You may not directly upload my creations to another site without my permission. If I wanted my files uploaded to other sites, I would do that on my own. I am a nice person though, so if you want to host my files, all you need to do is ask.
-- If you wish to use my creations as a base for you own work, please ask first.
My Latest Updates Show All
Tomb Raider themeWritten May 30, 2010
Long time, no blog. LOL Anyhoo, just wanted to give a heads up to all Tomb Raider fans out there. I am currently working on a TR theme for Sims3. This is a rather big theme, as it will include a Lara Croft Sim, clothing from the various games, and Croft Manor as well. While the clothing will be representative of all the games, the Lara Sim and Croft Manor will actually be based on... ...More
My Terms of ServiceWritten Jun 29, 2009
Since I have had some of my Sims3 stuff stolen and placed on the Exchange, and I just had someone once again try to steal my Buffy the Vampire Slayer cast faces for Sims1, I guess it's time to remind folks of my Terms of Service for my Sims creations. Sims1 Terms of Service All of my Sims1 creations come with a Read Me text file that says... "I work very hard to give you... ...More
Sims1 replicas for Sims3Written Jun 04, 2009
For my first foray into Sims3 creating, I will be doing replicas of the Maxis Sims1 houses, lots, and families. This is a big project so it will take me a few weeks to complete, especially since I'm still creating for Sims1 as well. I'm trying to split my creating time between both games. I'll start uploading as soon as the site techs open up the Sims3 submissions. I hope you like them! ...More