My Terms of Service
Since I have had some of my Sims3 stuff stolen and placed on the Exchange, and I just had someone once again try to steal my Buffy the Vampire Slayer cast faces for Sims1, I guess it's time to remind folks of my Terms of Service for my Sims creations.
Sims1 Terms of Service
All of my Sims1 creations come with a Read Me text file that says...
"I work very hard to give you these creations, so don't try to take credit for my work. You cannot use any part or the whole of my work without permission from me. Do not distribute my work without my knowledge or consent. This item was made exclusively for The Sims Resource, and that is where it needs to stay."
If you want to use one of my creations on your site, ask me first. Do not just take it and upload it without my permission or without giving me credit for my hard work. I'm a nice person and usually agree, provided I am credited as the original artist. But I still deserve the common courtesy and respect of being asked to use my work. I sign all of my Sims1 heads and skins with "Sam". Do not remove my signature and try to claim my creations as your own.
A few days ago, I discovered a new site that was stealing my Buffy faces, along with other Buffy related skins, objects, and houses from other Sims1 creators, and trying to claim them as her own. I contacted her hosting service and filed a copyright violation complaint. Two hours after filing the complaint, the site was shut down. The moral of the story is...Don't steal. If you want to use my creations, just ask. It's that simple. If I see anyone using my stuff without my permission, or trying to claim my work as their own, I will take action.
Sims3 Terms of Service
I place a "Do not re-upload without my permission" on all of my Sims3 creations. My Sims3 policy is the same as my Sims1 policy. If you want to use one of my creations, just ask. Once again, I am a nice person and tend to agree, as long as I am credited as the original artist. But do not make the assumption that I will agree and thus skip the step of asking for my permission. As the original artist, I deserve the courtesy and respect of knowing the who, what, why, where, when, and how's of what is to become of my work.