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marcorseMar 19, 2010

\:o  Hanging head in shame here!   Have to confess I haven't got as far as to even try pattern making.  I got thoroughly confused   well, perhaps  not confused so much as put off by the technicalities in the graphics manipulation in the tutorials I read.  I have been using PaintShop Pro since the dark ages in my "other life" of desktop enhancements, but mention of  multiple channels and and keeping them in the right order  and such sees me heading for the bush!   However, I have taken your kind encouragement to heart and will do a dry run to see if "seeing is believing" . . .  probably over the coming weekend.   They  say you CAN teach an old dog new tricks, so perhaps there's hope for me yet! \:D

marcorseMar 18, 2010

Hello again Djem and thanks for the wonderful new patterns that you have shared with us recently!   I have looked through Cyclonesue's tutorial . .  .  but she lost me on the second chapter   . . .  much more reliable to browse for yours as I haven't been disappointed yet!  I still only use them in my own game, but that will have to change soon - I think I have pretty much exhausted the options on the few good EA ones.     too few actually!      I also have come to say thank you for the lovely remarks left on my Lot creations.  I am sure I don't need to tell you how gratifying it is to receive a pat on the back for something you have put together - especially  after  overcoming obstacles to get there  - \;\)  I submitted the Lily Pool 3 times - the first 2 would have been subscriber downloads and I had no idea what was causing the relegation.  Turns out [after about 3 hours sifting]  I had made an error originally  when saving a downloaded object . .  just one, and my bad . .  but it was a huge relief when the third submission was taken up!  So it was especially nice to have  someone  " in the business"  say they liked it.   Might have to get a bigger hat! \:D  

Courtmc1021Mar 17, 2010

Djehmli, I absolutely love love love your patterns! I "own" almost all of them - they are just so fantastic and perfect for the cozy cottages and grand manors I love to build. Thank you so much for taking the time to create such lovely things and to share them with us. Please, keep it up! A million thanks! \:wub\: \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\:

TugmeLMar 17, 2010

Hi Julie, Thanks so much you for the lovely comment!! \:wub\: I am so happy you like it! I hope you will enjoy your day..

ekinegeMar 16, 2010

Hi! Julie! Thank you so much for lovely comment on the "Corset Tank 2 - S15-2".\:wub\: Ekin

lilaclaughterMar 16, 2010

Thanks for the advice on the tutorial you used. Murano really knows his/her stuff. I'll give it a whirl.  Thanks again!

katalinaMar 14, 2010

Hiya Julie\:D I am having the same weather as you though I am far south and I believe you are a northern state? Did your work ever let you out to enjoy the weather? Wouldn't that be a hoot if all nice days we didn't have to go in to work lol! I don't think I would beable to pay the bills.  I am waiting for warmer weather to start some vacation time. Anyways have a great day \:wub\:

mom4peaceMar 14, 2010

Thank you so much for your beautiful patterns, they are exactly my style.  And thanks for the update. I'm already having a hard time with the game since I have windows 7, and at least all my homes are gorgeous thanks to you. Every time I sign in I see if you have posted something new, you're the best!

sbrizoloneMar 11, 2010

Thanks for your comment on The Toilet!

PenelopeTMar 11, 2010

Thanks for the nice comment on my 'Classic Living 2' home, Julie! \:wub\:

hatshepsutMar 10, 2010

Thank you so much for your lovely comment on Lucy Road. \:wub\: I so enjoy building Victorian houses, I keep finding myself coming back to them again and again and it's so rewarding to know that others enjoy them too! \:D

missyzimMar 10, 2010

I love your patterns! Thanks for all your wonderful work!

katalinaMar 9, 2010

Hi Julie\:D I didn't understand what you meant by calico prints. I only know of calico cats lol.  I wanted to ask you a question or 2. First question is where do you find the print for your patterns and second, is it possible to use a wallpaper from TS2 to make a pattern for TS3? Have a great evening \:wub\:

wolfspryteMar 9, 2010

Thank you for updating me!  Can't wait to get more of your wonderful wonderful patterns!! \:D  Off I go! 

katalinaMar 6, 2010

Hi Julie \:wub\:Thank you for that wonderful and rather humorous comment you gave me on Aurora Falls. You are a delight and and make me smile. Thank you\:wub\:

PenelopeTMar 6, 2010

Hi, Julie! I just wanted to thank you for the encouraging words on my latest lot. Unlike a lot of other builders', I don't typically do huge and glam with my homes; as I use them for my own gameplay and like for them to be more everyday livable (if that makes sense). So, it's always nice when someone else has something nice to say about my lots. Thanks again and have a wonderful day! \:wub\:

TugmeLMar 6, 2010

Hi, thank you very much for your nice comment. \:wub\:  I'm glad that you like it and I hope that you will enjoy it in your game \:\)

JCIssetteMar 6, 2010

Hey there, thanks for that wonderful comment on Peach Tree Circle. \:wub\: Yard work, we can do without. LOL Hugs, Judy\:wub\:

mitraton73Mar 5, 2010

Thank you for your message in my guestbook, i hope what you have a good day !

katalinaMar 4, 2010

Hiya Julie\:wub\: You made me laugh when you said "stay dust free in the reconstruction zone" lol! At this moment, nothing is going on, just waiting for a plumber to show up but I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. It's time for me to get busy with another lot before they start tearing walls down here lol. I can't wait to see your next patterns. They are done with alot of care and I can tell. I need to go to the SA forum and put in a good word for you \;\)

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