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Created for: The Sims 3
This is a Set with 13 Creations - Click here to show all
Here is another Stand for the TSR XMas Market: Hot Sausages
Includes the Stand, a Menuboard with 2 Coloroptions (for the Ornament and Gingerbreadstand)
Tablegrill, Deep Fryer (Deko), Sidetable, Shelf (find it in dressers), Santalatern, Bakerybasket, Tablebasket with Rolls and Brezel, Frenchfries, Set with Ketchup and more, Box with Napkins, Plate with Sausage
You will need cheat moveobjects on and disablesnappingtoslotsonalt on to get all the Decoitems in place!
also you will need a fully patched Game to see everything in Game (update - make sure to have the EADownloadmanager installed).
Short URL:
ItemID: 936837
Revision: 2
Filesize: 4 MB
moveobjects on and disablesnappingtoslotsonalt on needed
Credits: WS Wizards, Sasilia for Plate w. Sausage, Pinetree by Sim_man
- TSRAA: Yes - What's this?

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