Nikadema Harmony Bathroom
Sims 4 — Nikadema Harmony Bathroom by nikadema — I wanted to create a set that could be used for a contemporary house as

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Created for: The Sims 4

This is a Set with 12 Creations - Click here to show all

I wanted to create a set that could be used for a contemporary house as long as a modern house.
Made in light wood textures, light fabrics and touches in blue and pink.

Short URL:

ItemID: 1340832

Filesize: 5 MB

*only sims 4 base game requiered
*You may need bb.moveobjects on to place the boxes under the sink
*please, do not include my meshes on your recolors and don't claim my work as yours

Credits: Sims 4 Studio and TSRWorkshop

  • Recoloring Allowed: Yes - Do not include mesh
  • Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio
12 Creations in this set
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Nikadema Harmony Tub
Item Description + Polygon Count
Nikadema Harmony Tub
This is a modern contemporary tub with a wood shelf. Deco slots were included, so you can decorate the tub yourself.
Nikadema Harmony Sink
Item Description + Polygon Count
Nikadema Harmony Sink
A modern sink with some deco slots included.
Nikadema Harmony Ceiling
Item Description + Polygon Count
Nikadema Harmony Ceiling
A contemporary ceiling made in wood and transparent linen
Nikadema Harmony Towel Tree
Item Description + Polygon Count
Nikadema Harmony Towel Tree
A different way to dry your sims' towels after bath
Nikadema Harmony Rug
Item Description + Polygon Count
Nikadema Harmony Rug
A comtemporary rugmade in light color
Nikadema Harmony Box
Item Description + Polygon Count
Nikadema Harmony Box
A rattan decorative box. You can place it on the floor, or on a shelf.
Nikadema Harmony Dressing Case
Item Description + Polygon Count
Nikadema Harmony Dressing Case
Something cute and nice to decorate your sims' bathrooms
Nikadema Harmony Ceramic Vase
Item Description + Polygon Count
Nikadema Harmony Ceramic Vase
A nice blue vase made in ceramic
Nikadema Harmony Chair
Item Description + Polygon Count
Nikadema Harmony Chair
A little contemporary chair
Nikadema Harmony Floor Painting
Item Description + Polygon Count
Nikadema Harmony Floor Painting
A modern black and white collage of pictures that you can place anywhere
Nikadema Harmony Vase and Sponge
Item Description + Polygon Count
Nikadema Harmony Vase and Sponge
Blue vase and spounge with a vintage touch
Nikadema Harmony Mirror
Item Description + Polygon Count
Nikadema Harmony Mirror
An extra large mirror that matches the extra large harmony sink. Made in light leather.

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There are 8 comments on this article

SunflowerGurl VIP ∙ Aug 30, 2018

very classy and relaxing thanks\:\)

MyDeaths ∙ Jan 25, 2017

Love it so much! Can't wait to use it!

SunflowerGurl VIP ∙ Jun 21, 2016

lovely bath thanks\:\)

Pralinesims ∙ May 28, 2016

This is so beautiful ♥

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