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Raveena's Guestbook

anghara_13Dec 7, 2005

I have to admit that i am totally in love with pretty much all of your creations, and now have three families living in almost totally Raveena created homes! Thank you for increasing my personal enjoyment of the Original Sims (and assorted expansions) that much more satisfying with your wonderful sets. \:\)

sammishNov 30, 2005

hi, a friend mentioned your name in a pm and i remembered how much a fan i was of your sims 1 sets and that i had never told you! when i first got an account at tsr, it was you who was my favourite creator! i always looked out to see if you had anything new and when you did i was straight onto it! as soon as anything came out i would note it down and keep a lookout for when it became free! all my houses had at least one of your objects! i REALLY like the tables you did and the japanese bathroom set was stunning, still is! i think my favourite object you ever did would have to be.. well i cant decide but i REALLY loved the oak build set, the windows from that are brill in game and the door was one of my favourites. the wood panel door is EXCELLENT, i wish i had it in my sims 2 game and the art deco doors are really great. your catalogue of creations still astounds me, keep at it for sims 2! -sam

sikobytchNov 22, 2005

\:rah\: thank u raveena...for sharing your awsome work. i have nagels on all my walls, and his book of all his drawings. I surely would love a nagel in my sim home. if at all possible...tyvm..if not...ty anywhoo, \:D. Your biggest fan, cherron

khanada31Nov 15, 2005

Awwwwww what cute kitties! \:\)

crazyevelNov 15, 2005

\:D I would love to be able to do what you're doing with the sims. Please keep it up!

wannaretireNov 2, 2005

I have been a big fan of yours since I first got The Sims game. Very happy you are creating items for The Sims 2. I do wish TSR would make your Sims 2 items accessible as a group like they are for the Sims1 . Love your work, very talented lady.

oldmember_cmfsternOct 31, 2005

Please keep your creations coming. I love them all,so many to chose from. You have filled my games with your creations. Thank you so much!

oldmember_miss_shrinkOct 17, 2005

\:\) Your creations are amazing! My downloads folder is filled to brimming with your beautiful things! I recently downloaded your tan booth set and I love it. You are incredibly talented, so keep making more so I can download more!

JewelRollsOct 15, 2005

I was just looking at the calendar to see what's coming up and I LOVE your country flower dining room set! Can't wait to download it next week. \:rah\:

peepers42Sep 28, 2005

Frameless ivy widow? AWESOME!!!! Love it!! Big Kudos!!! Peepers42

TuacanSep 11, 2005

I absolutly love your stuff! I could never pass up downloading anything of your for the Sims1, and now I have the some problem passing up your stuff for Sims2! I've had to put folders with your name in my downlad section because I have so much stuff of yours! Thank you so much for all of you wonderful creations...you are the BEST\:wub\:

berneakSep 4, 2005

i love all your sets and objects, thanks for sharing

ezwriterSep 3, 2005

I've downloaded tons of your creations in Sims1 and Sims2, but I've never taken the time to thank you. Seeing you as a featured artist reminded me that a thanks is in order. So a big THANK YOU for sharing all of your hard work and creativity with the Sims Community. \:rah\:

bijouke2000Sep 2, 2005

Hi Raveena, you know that I like your creations, but what I want to say I'm going to write in my language "Dutch" so I can explain it better and it concerns to all the people at TSR..... "Wat is er de laatste tijd aan de hand met de downloads, bij de Roomsets op de imageserver krijg ik een nummer om op te slaan, maar de zip download geeft een ander nummer, dus een package met een ander nr. Ook bij de objects: de afbeelding heeft een nr, maar als je download dan krijg je wel de naam van het object, maar geen nr. Ik heb al geprobeerd om de nr van de afbeelding te kopieren en te plakken, het duurt heel lang dus ik heb het opgegeven. Wil je aub daarover eens spreken met uw collega's, want ik vind dit wel een serieus probleem" Thank you for everything and many hugs.

oldmember_Samharr01Sep 1, 2005

i remember all of your stuff from the sims1. you were the first creator i REALLY looked out for. i loved the doors you did and the tables, everything was really nice and classy. have you ever thought about being a tsraa supporter? it means you can unlock sets for us to use with tsr's permission. your sims 2 stuff is all brilliant. i love the wall decor, its very original \:D

ButterflyAngel79Aug 31, 2005

I just wanted to say congrats on becoming a feature artist!!!!\:D \;\) L am crazy about cats too~!!!\:wub\:

oldmember_dizlaineAug 26, 2005

\:rah\: \:rah\: veena is wonderful! Thanks for all the wonderful objects that have enhanced all my homes in such a beautiful way! Elaine

Writin_RegAug 25, 2005

I love your work, as do my Sims. I don't think I've ever had a house from the original Sims to date without your work in it. Hey, glad to see you are a cat person like me. I have 18 of the little "darlings". hehehe Mostly long-haired Norwegian Forest Cats, 2 Maine coons, 5 Minature Ragdolls & 2 short-haired gray tabbies (that are my hubbies). Anyway just thought I'd let you know your work is exceptional and I love it. Blessings Reggie

auracyanAug 16, 2005

You are one of my favorite creators and have been ever since the old TS1 days. Thank you for sharing with us! \:\)

The_UnicornAug 10, 2005

Yes I know, Am making walls for the site as you probably have seen, but a paypall is not possible for me at this time, but am downloading from my free account as a creator. insentive account...600 more to go, to download...\;\)

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