Sims 3 — Emily by pizazz — Emily is a young adult that loves being outdoors and being surrounded by friends. She dreams

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Created for: The Sims 3

This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them

Emily is a young adult that loves being outdoors and being surrounded by friends. She dreams of becoming a great star.

Please see creator notes to have your sim appear exactly as in pictures.

Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1228530

ItemID: 1228530

Filesize: 4 MB

The TSR Creations below were used in this Creation.

4 Creations in this set
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Select none
Item Description + Polygon Count
Item Description + Polygon Count
Passion Lipstick
Item Description + Polygon Count
Passion Lipstick
Deluxe Pearl Eyes
Item Description + Polygon Count
Deluxe Pearl Eyes

No sliders used!

I have Sims 3, Ambitions, Highend Loft, Outdoor Living and World Adventures.

Not included: To appear exactly as in the pictures you will need

Skin by teru k here: CLICK

D/L Filename: [ESkin-Natural+Light.7z] & [ESkin-nATURAL+TAN.7z]

Not included eyelashes from S-Club here: CLICK

download: [Eyelash design Set III A] & [Eyelash Mesh Female].

Not included hair from Cazy here: CLICK

Please do not re-upload or claim as your own.

Included with sim:

Pralinesims - Deluxe-pearl-eyes

Pizazz's - (everyday) Temptation

Pizazz's -(formal) Nightlife

Pizazz's - Passion Lipstick

Credits: TSR - TSR Workshop - Pose Creators - CC creators

0 Creations in this set
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Select none

This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.

Required Expansion/Stuff Packs:

There is 1 comment on this article

Noureen_Mohamed ∙ Mar 1, 2014

She is very beautiful and she looks like Britney Spears too haha
Thank you for uploading! Love her!