Post and other things set
Sims 4 — Post and other things set by jomsims — Tinkabell asked me if I could create.some objects on the postal

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This is a Set with 10 Creations - Click here to show all

Tinkabell asked me if I could create.some objects on the postal theme.This is my version, romantic. POST AND OTHER THINGS SET.
1-cage letter. misc deco. gold or silver
1-letter box .clutter. gold or silver
1-letter deco 1. clutter .4 differents
1-letter deco 2. clutter. 4 ,differents
1-letter deco lipstick. 3 differents
1-letters deco ribbon. 4 differents
1- mailbox .4 differents.
1- stamp collection. gold or silver
1- pencils pot deco. 3 differents
1-card holder postal with card postal deco. gold or silver
a romantic set clutters for your sims 4
i use my set in game sims 4 last update.
i creat my set with TSR workshop

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ItemID: 1315093

Filesize: 6 MB

i use my set in game sims 4 last update.
i creat my set with TSR workshop

  • Recoloring Allowed: No
  • Creating Tool used: TSR Workshop
10 Creations in this set
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post and other things Cage letters
Item Description + Polygon Count
post and other things Cage letters
post and other things Cage letters
post and other things letter box 1
Item Description + Polygon Count
post and other things letter box 1
post and other things letter box 1
post and other things letter with lipstick
Item Description + Polygon Count
post and other things letter with lipstick
post and other things letter with lipstick
post and other things letters deco 2 stockable
Item Description + Polygon Count
post and other things letters deco 2 stockable
post and other things letters deco 2 stockable
post and other things letters deco1
Item Description + Polygon Count
post and other things letters deco1
post and other things letters deco1
post and other things letters with ribbon
Item Description + Polygon Count
post and other things letters with ribbon
post and other things letters with ribbon
post and other things mail box
Item Description + Polygon Count
post and other things mail box
post and other things mail box.
post and other things pencils
Item Description + Polygon Count
post and other things pencils
post and other things pencils
post and other things Post card
Item Description + Polygon Count
post and other things Post card
post and other things Post card
post and other things stamp collection
Item Description + Polygon Count
post and other things stamp collection
post and other things stamp collection

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There are 25 comments on this article

slithytoves ∙ Mar 21, 2024

The mailbox caused all my mailboxes to stop letting me sims publish books. I think it may be due to the latest update with game version 1.105.345. I had to go through all my mods and test them to find this. It's such a cute mailbox though and I hope it can be fixed.

juliaxveentjer ∙ May 1, 2023

it sadly didnt work for me

bttrflies25 ∙ May 25, 2020


Nyuuz ∙ Feb 28, 2019

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