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Created for: The Sims 3
Few oil drums i wanted in my game.
5 recolors included, 4 with stencil and one without.
3 recoulorble channels, top, side and center side(patterns should fit)
I like interactions with my stuff so i cloned the gardengnome for it.
This means sims can kick the barrels, see screenshot
Have fun with it! :)
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1061304
ItemID: 1061304
Revision: 2
Filesize: 263 KB
Used parts of EA's barrel, just scaled, remeshed and remapped.
Made 4 stencils with pictures i took from the net.
A kicked barrel will sink 50% into the floor, if your good with cheats you can level it up with the contstrainfloorelevation cheat.
Has updated slots so animations will look a bit more decent.
Updated footprint and shadows
Issues, haven't seen it yet but it prolly will look silly when a burglar steels a barrel(its alot bigger then the gardengnome(can't update it cos the slot for it is centered)
Like the gnome the barrel will sometimes fall down towards a sim, looks stupid....
Animations when resetting the barrel are not nice.
You will find it next to the gardengnome. ;)
Credits: TSRW
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