Brick & Steel - Mila's Bedroom
Sims 4 — Brick & Steel - Mila's Bedroom by fredbrenny — The Master Bedroom. It's Mila's room. Her sanctuary, her safe

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Created for: The Sims 4

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The Master Bedroom. It's Mila's room. Her sanctuary, her safe haven. Never enter without knocking first!
Mila could be in here all day. Sometimes her kids demand food, so she does have to leave on those occasions. Lucas sneaks in every now and then to play in the closet.

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ItemID: 1518157

Filesize: 54 KB

Please use bb.moveobjects before placing the room. It fits best in the Brick & Steel lot. Always check outer walls for double windows, doors and wall decorations after placing. The little add on that opens to the balcony needs a piece of wall to put the room back together again. I needed to open it up to be able to export it as one room.
I have all extension packs and stuff packs installed on my computer and use from them all regularly.

Credits: All artists here at TSR whose objects I use with gratitude. You are a MAJOR inspiration!

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There is 1 comment on this article

dasie2 ∙ Dec 13, 2020

Classy! \:wub\:\:rah\: