CyFi - Fragments
Sims 4 — CyFi - Fragments by sim_man123 — A small assortment of various living items in a futuristic mix of cyber-scifi,

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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use

This is a Set with 9 Creations - Click here to show all

A small assortment of various living items in a futuristic mix of cyber-scifi, with a tiny bit of industrial.

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ItemID: 1595233

Revision: 2 (updated Aug 5, 2022)

  • Recoloring Allowed: Yes - Do not include mesh
  • Creating Tool used: TSR Workshop
9 Creations in this set
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Fragments - Bunk Bed
Item Description + Polygon Count
Fragments - Bunk Bed
An industrial style bunk bed. Base Game Compatible.
Fragments - Ceiling TV
Item Description + Polygon Count
Fragments - Ceiling TV
A large, ceiling mounted TV screen.
Fragments - Coffee Table
Item Description + Polygon Count
Fragments - Coffee Table
No one is entirely sure what this does, but it has a lot of wires and lights... it's probably important.
Fragments - Desk
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Fragments - Desk
A desk featuring what appears to be a built-in power inverted and batteries, wow!
Fragments - Holographic Plant
Item Description + Polygon Count
Fragments - Holographic Plant
Sometimes you just don't have the right environment to grow real plants. Now with this holographic plant, let the light shine!
Fragments - Animated Server Tower
Item Description + Polygon Count
Fragments - Animated Server Tower
It's not entirely clear what these fans are supposed to be cooling, but it's probably something important.
Fragments - Single Bed
Item Description + Polygon Count
Fragments - Single Bed
The ultimate in utilitarianism - this industrial bed will provide the perfect place to sleep, it just won't be the most comfortable of places!
Fragments - Sofa
Item Description + Polygon Count
Fragments - Sofa
Sometimes you just need a comfortable place to rest. This old-school, no-tech sofa is just that!
Fragments - Wall Fan
Item Description + Polygon Count
Fragments - Wall Fan
Is it a vent? Maybe a server of some kind? Hmmm.

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There are 7 comments on this article

Apocalypse46 ∙ Feb 24, 2024

best maxis-matching ive seen in a living room set ever. this legitimately looks like maxis would release it for 5 dollars apiece. beautiful

sogg_apples ∙ Nov 8, 2022

its giving Arcane vibes!

abrightspark ∙ Oct 22, 2022

perfect 💙 thank you x

Leigh B VIP ∙ Apr 30, 2022

Remarkable set! Not only are the meshes amazing, the textures look fantastic. I'm also going to use the coffee table as music equipment. \:D Some of my Sims might even start bit mining now that they have server towers. And these holographic flowers are blowing my mind. Thank you for sharing with us! \:wub\:

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