71robert13 (2402291)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (3725 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Real Closets Master set
Published Nov 21, 2011
About Me
Hi everybody!
I'm Just a wierd guy who likes designing sim stuff. I did a lot of sims 1 and am now working with sims 2. I work diligently to ensure all my creations are fully functional and game tested. I Hope you enjoy my stuff!
Please check out my blogs, I have several notations reguarding my file nameing system, color variations & quality and more (Mini tutorials).
My Latest Updates Show All
Recolor Poll ResultsWritten Jul 01, 2010
Poll # 1: 102 participants Question: Do you recolor items you have downloaded? Yes: 31% No: 69% Question: What program do you use? Windows/Mac paint: 4%... ...More
The NewWalls SystemWritten Apr 16, 2010
The NewWalls System By: 71robert13 SKS Introduction Which do you need What it is The choice revolution Magic! Pre-trimmed wallpapers Final notes Introduction: Welcome to the NewWalls System, a totally revolutionary way of decorating your walls! Keep in mind that as of this day: 4-16-10 I have only uploaded the basic set and many more options are on their way. I... ...More
Wallpaper distortionWritten Jan 22, 2010
Some people may notice some distortion with the wallpapers they download (not just mine but any). Here's the issue: Apartment Life expansion pack: This expansion pack altered the hight of walls by a fair amount and the game mearly stretches wallpaper files to fit the new dimension. The result is a circle made to be a circle on a 256x512 template or from any ealier EA release becomes an oval, a... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
SimFeetUnderDec 06, 2018
I'm not sure if you still check in here but I was wondering if you would mind if someone made a ts4 version of your baseboards?
jes sale Mar 07, 2015
thanks for the downloads
berniedettbabeNov 11, 2014
love you're stuff thanks!