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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
Headband Bow Hello Kitty Collection RPL110E for Toddler Girls TS4
:: 6 Swatches
:: Base game compatible
:: Found in Hats category
:: HQ mod compatible
:: All lods
:: Compatible with hat slider - Kids adn Toddler by RedheadSims
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1559905
ItemID: 1559905
Filesize: 879 KB
HeadBand Slider: Hat slider - Kids adn Toddler by RedheadSims
Hair: Anto S4Hair 274 Karla_Toddler_Fringe
HeadBand: GiuliettaSims_Sunflower_Headband_Toddlers
Skin: [THISISTHEM] Toddler Skin N 12 OVERLAY
Eyes: GPME-GOLD Eyes G20
Eyeliner: obscurus_eyeliner_N3
Eyelashes: obscurus_2D_eyelashes_N4
EyeShadow: obscurus_eyelids_N8
Blush: MSQSIMS_Peanut_Blusher
Lip: RemusSirion_Lipstick_139-PAGE
Teeth: Seleng_Teeth_N2
Eyebrows: obscurus_eyebrows_7
Lashes: Cien-No EA Lashes V3For-For All
Sliders: obscurus nose slider N2 nose tip
obscurus esotropia and exotropia slider
obscurus pupil size slider
obscurus nose slider N6 septum slider width
Credits: TSR, Photoshop and Sims4Studio.
- Recoloring Allowed: Yes - Do not include mesh
- Polycount LOD 0 (highest): 3175
- Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio
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