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Created for: The Sims 3 Creator Terms of Use
Pool rescue poses for adults.
*21 poses
*pose list compatible
*sims are at the right height for water surface level (no need for OMSP)
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1564323
ItemID: 1564323
Filesize: 350 KB
1. Do not leave your sim lying face down in the water too long or they will drown
2. Pose 2 and 3 will work with two female sims.
3. I changed pose 19. I wanted the hand to wrap around the edge of the pool, but could not get the sim that close to the edge of the pool. The hand is now flat.
CC Used With This Set
Cell phone by Lorandia
a_bmit_pool1 (floating face down)
a_bmit_pool2 (drowning sim face up)
a_bmit_pool3 (sim pulling drowning sim to edge of pool)
a_bmit_pool4 (pulling sim out of pool, outside of pool kneeling)
a_bmit_pool5 (drowning sim being lifted out of pool)
a_bmit_pool6 (sim in pool pushing sim up to pose 4)
a_bmit_pool7 (lying unconscious on floor beside pool)
a_bmit_pool8 (sim checking for a pulse)
a_bmit_pool9 (sim looking up as to say no pulse)
a_bmit_pool10 (sim waiting for sim to find a pulse)
a_bmit_pool11 (unconscious sim head straight forward, mouth open)
a_bmit_pool12 (sim giving mouth to mouth CPR)
a_bmit_pool13 (sim doing chest compressions)
a_bmit_pool14 (sim diving into pool)
a_bmit_pool15 (sim calling for ambulance)
a_bmit_pool16 (sim tired from doing chest compressions)
a_bmit_pool17 (sim alive holding hand of pose 18)
a_bmit_pool18 (sim looking down at pose 17, holding hand of pose 17)
a_bmit_pool19 ( kneeling on side of pool waiting to pull sim out of water)
a_bmit_pool20 (worried sim, hands to mouth)
a_bmit_pool21 (taking a cell phone video of rescue)
Credits: Lorandia
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