stampercat (471732)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (3 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Published Jul 19, 2009
About Me
The Sims was my first real computer game and The Sims Online was the first time I ventured into an online game. I can remember years ago not even understanding how people could play together online. I was hooked the first day and still remember people I met and their houses that first day in Sims Online!! Building houses and decorating them happened almost immediately. I enjoy meeting people from all over the world and getting to know them online.
My Latest Updates Show All
First SubmissionWritten Jun 27, 2009
What a thrill to see my first submission accepted and posted after belonging to TSR for years. Both of my parents died during the last 10 months and their house is on the market now. I wanted to build a house using their floorplan and then I decided to upload it to see if anyone else would enjoy using it. It was a learning process stumbling through the proceedure of submission, but I have... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
dgandySep 02, 2017
Thank you Stampercat!
RobertaPLoboJul 15, 2016
Thank you very much for your comment on my Bridal 03 Wedding set
sharon337Jul 06, 2016
Thanks very much. I'm always so pleased to get lovely comments on my stuff. Hope you have a lovely day. Take care.