munia (2884560)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (57 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Envy Sin
Published Sep 21, 2010
About Me
I enjoy creating unique Sims and CAS parts such as makeups-clothes etc.
follow me on my blog
hope you like my stuffs )
My Latest Updates Show All
Jessica Beil in progressWritten Feb 08, 2010
right now im working on these celebrity sims,hope i'll be don soon,feel free to give me feedback:Dand this is Jessica Beil,still have to work on her a lot. ...More
Megan Fox in progress:DWritten Feb 08, 2010
yey i have been book marked:DWritten Feb 08, 2010
wow,i cant believe 11 people bookmarked me,im honored, whoever you are thank you for being so gracious about my creations:))xxx ...More
My Guestbook Show All
PralinesimsDec 22, 2011
** We wish you a merry Christmas and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! **
murfeelJan 31, 2011
Hi! I liked your sims and I was wondering if you could help me How you were able to get that panel at the bottom of the page that shows the Sims favorites and personality traits? I'd very much appreciate the help!
ZiJan 30, 2011
Hey munia, I'm trying to delete my TSR account since I don't use CC anymore and due to some rumours, but I would like to keep in touch with you and your stunning sims If you have a Sims 3 account, look for: MisterZii and add me, I'd appreciate it
P.S. I think I found you ^^