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Feeling Uncreative

No new creations from me today. I was kind of bummed all weekend and feeling rather uncreative. I played my game instead and even that didn't cheer me up. Then I tried redecorating a lot for a sim I plan to move in so I don't have to mess with remodeling later. But, I did a few rooms and then just sort of stared at it. No more ideas. I did the exterior and then didn't feel like doing the rest of the interior. I dunno. Guess I had creator's block. I almost made a pattern, but just stared at the screen. *blink* *blink*

I hate when I get in a mood like this. Creative indecision and just the plain old blahs. Four and a half days of work this week and then I'm on vacation. Woot! I hope I shake this mood by then. Maybe as the week progresses I'll get my rhythm back.

So I took my adventure sim to Egypt finally. It's kind of weird catching crocodiles with a fishing pole. Of course catching frogs with a fishing pole is odd too. And jellyfish. I was hoping to jump in the water and wrestle one to shore. Would've made for a much better adventure. I need some for some quest in France. I got almost no loot. Sheesh. Pretty slim pickins. Egypt isn't as annoying as China, but it's boring. The landscape is boring, the people are boring, the quests so far have been boring. I was ready to bomb the place just so there was some activity. Gads. Er, anyway, I bought the good camera and little what nots. Got the obsessive snake charming basket. You'd think sims would have better things to do than obsess over that nasty thing. What? Snake bites are fun now? Joy. Maybe it was just my crappy mood this weekend but I was unimpressed and remembered why I never go there. I stick to France mostly. There are lots of people to talk to, the landscape is pretty, and it's pretty compact. China is OK but I have better things to do with my sims than spend 12 hours trekking up the side of a mountain on a cow path just to see the Temple of Nothing at the top and then spend the rest of the day running all the way back down the mountain. Wow, riveting stuff there. If it wasn't for all the rocks on the way it wouldn't result in anything but a huge waste of time. And let's go see a moldy green army of statues a million miles away from any civilization, also up an extremely large hill, reachable only on foot. Look, a hole in the ground. I think I'll jump in and see if I can at least scare myself on this trip. What I wouldn't give for a shiny gold tiki head and a rolling boulder. There's always the Dragon's Maw. Which reminds me of Aladdin's Cave of Wonders, Onyxia's Lair from World of Warcraft, and possibly Castle Greyskull. By the power of... aw, nevermind.

Bet ya thought I wasn't going to fit any random crap in this time. Ha! There it is. Your random dose of the day. I better go. I'm in a horrible mood. May the powers that be smile on me and prevent me from uttering any other stupid things today.

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    Published November 15, 2022 •
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