hoschdwoschd (3952143)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (153 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Published Jul 5, 2013
About Me
Hi guys, please don't be shocked, but for a number of reasons I've decided to create a new account. You can find it here: http://thesimsresource.com/members/Lutetia
The creations which I've uploaded so far are still avaliable on my old page, but new ones will be published on the new account. I'd be happy if you took a look on it!!!
hoschdwoschd aka Lutetia
My Latest Updates Show All
2014!!!Written Jan 01, 2014
Wish you all a happy, healthy and succesful new year!!! ...More
HALLOWEEN!!Written Oct 31, 2013
I wish you all a nice Halloween!!!! Trick or treat!!Yaaaaay! :D:D:D ...More
100, 000 DownloadsWritten Jun 26, 2013
Over 100, 000 downloads reached!!!! Thank you for the great support!! <3 ...More
My Guestbook Show All
LUCKA50Apr 28, 2014
Good afternoon, first of all I send you my best greetings from Prague. I have seen your pictures to The Sims 3 in simspack. I would like to ask you if it would be possible for you to make a golden plate of a celebrity in simspack for me. I have a photo in .png, I need just put it to simspack. If you would agree then I would send you a photo to your e-mail. I have all the discs of the Sims 3. My e-mail: lucie.sroubkova@centrum.cz . I thank you very much for your answer and for your understanding. I wish you a nice day. With my best regards Lucie Šroubková
blaumeiseFeb 15, 2014
das ist so cool das du jetzt auch bei The Sims 3 Store bist. Ich habe dann deine Freundesanfrage angenommen. und auch gleich ein Geschenk geschickt hoffe es gefällt dir. LG blaumeise
blaumeiseFeb 12, 2014
hi hoschdwoschd ich konnte mich für ne Zeitlang auch nichtmehr anmelden wieso auch immer. Aber seit den neusten Sims 3 update geht die anmelde wieder. Ps. Ich bin 13 werde aber bald 14 im April. Und wie alt bist du ? LG blaumeise