WordCobbler's Blog
Catching up...
It has been just over a year since I moved and I finally redid my computer a few months ago too. I've started playing the TSR Challenges again to get back into the swing of things.
I'm disappointed that to play Sims 3 I would need to buy *another* new computer... I had to do that to get to play Sims 2. So for the current time being there is not Sims 3 in my future.
I have no clue where the disc for the graphics editing program I was using to make objects ended up. At this point I would have to almost completely start learning all over again. I'm undecided on that until the disc comes to light.
It's been forever!
I hadn't realized how long it had been since I was last by. I have to change that for sure. :) I just got the TSR newsletter, hadn't seen one of those in a while...
I've just recently moved and am in the process of getting all settled in. My computer badly needs to be redone and then I really want to start Simming (and creating!) again.
I don't know if the masks that were featured as upcoming ever were released or not. I know I still have the files somewhere if they weren't, for whatever reason.
I posted a couple of Free Time and Bon Voyage firsts that I had. I'll try to remember to make some more interesting screenshots to share in the near future.
I'm not sure at this moment if/when I'll be creating custom content again. As you can see, I took a break from TSR. I took a break from Sims as well for a while.
So, no direct promises, but I will try to be around!
Small Hiatus
Due to some real life happenings I was obviously not on TSR for over a week. I will *hopefully* be getting back into the swing of things shortly.Thanks to those who left me guestbook messages about being featured on the front page. I missed that. Ah well. I'd have taken a screenshot for my scrapbook if I'd seen it!
RL interrupts again!
The new WC Spotlight and poll will go up later today when I get a chance. Creating comes first though! *lol*Random thought:
Why do screenshots take so darn long? *lol* Longer than creating...
WC Spotlight: Wolfsim68
I chose Wolfsim68 for this week's spotlight because of her awesome work, but also because she was the one who introduced me to Vanilla_Sim. Visit her profile: http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Wolfsim68/ Here are just some of my favourite downloads by Wolfsim68. There are so many more and I haven't ever been able to settle on just one favourite, but this is a pretty good sample I think. :) Neighbourhoods: Small Town Living

Polls, TC44, and Spotlight news
A new poll is up with multiple questions this time. These are some basic "How do you like to do things?" style of questions so I can work on making this mini site better even faster. Here's the preview of my first TC44 set. It will be published on the 22nd of June. The masks and light shown in the Current project spot are uploaded and ready to submit. I want to do at least one more accessory to try and make the full TC44 set a bit more of a real room this time.
End of Polls for WC Spotlight
Time for the current polls to end I think and a new to take it's place.Out of 12 Participants here are the results, with the top two highlighted:
Question: How often should there be WC Spotlights?
Every day. 0% (0)
Three times a week. 25% (3)
Twice a week. 8.33% (1)
Once a week. 41.67% (5)
Twice a month. 16.67% (2)
Once a month or less. 8.33% (1)
Other, sign guestbook with comment. 0% (0)
Question: How many creations should be highlighted?
One or two. 25% (3)
Three to Five. 33.33% (4)
Six to Ten. 33.33% (4)
Other, sign guestbook with comment. 8.33% (1)
Thank you to everyone who gave their opinion!
This week's poll is going to be about the Spotlight again, as well as the Polls themselves. I hope you'll take a look and cast your vote. :)
WC Spotlight: Vanilla_Sim
For my first spotlight I bring you Vanilla_Sim. Vanilla is the artist who got me to create. In a short time she's become and extremely treasured friend. Visit her profile: http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/Vanilla%20Sim/ Here are just some of my favourite downloads by Vanilla_Sim. VS Greensboro Dining Room