Sylvanes (3636370)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (63 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (177 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Published Jan 13, 2015
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About Me
I use to create sims3 items but now I will be doing sims4.
You may ask to convert from ts3 to ts4 or ts4 to ts3 but only of things I did create.
I will mainly create Victorian, Gothic, Medieval, Edwardian and Fantasie items. I only create other things if my sister is asking after it.
You may recolor my cc solong you give credit and a link to the original item.
You also will be able to find more cc of me on my blog here:
My Latest Updates Show All
Some things to let you all know who is intrested.Written Sep 10, 2013
Hi! 2 things to say! 1. my 'gothic victorian requests' are still open if your intrested go and look to my other blog about it. Make use of it like Bobo1. 2. I made a sims3 page un tumblr for all my other sims3 creations!If intrested go here: Enjoy and feelfree to ask questions about it :) ...More
Requests and /or wishes for my Gothic Victorian serie.Written Aug 13, 2013
Hi every one, I open requests or wishes for my 'gothic Victorian serie' that means the following: 1. You may ask things from todler to elder, man and female. 2. You can ask for dresses, jackeds, tops, corsets, vests and chokers. 3. You can make a colage of things you wish to see in 1 outfit and let me desinge the thing you want, and I show you the desinge befor I start to create.... ...More
My Gothic Victoriandresses serie and other stuff.Written Jun 06, 2013
For evry one who is intrested did I wanted to talk about my Gothic Victoriandress serie, clothing in my style for teens (maybe elders) and my upcomming wall murals (maybe also walldeco). 1. My Gothic Victoriandresses serie. I'm glad that many ppl loves this (just started) serie of dresses :) To let you all know that the dresses will be a mix between the Gothiclook and the old... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
InelizDec 24, 2017
❆Wishing you a wonderful holiday and a New Year of peace and happiness!❆
InelizDec 24, 2016
♥♥ *~~♥ ♥ Happy Holidays ♥ ♥*~~ ♥♥
InelizOct 25, 2016
Yes, you will have to test that. I create a folder with the files for the lot, then I delete those files in the Tray and add them again as if I just downloaded them from TSR. The lot should show up in the library and make sure that you enable CC in the Advanced section in the library, because it may cause the lot to be invisible.