ShelleyB (2913857)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (2 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Archie Pennington
Published Oct 29, 2010
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About Me
I'm not an angry "Leave me alone"; I just live in the wrong time zone. I sleep for a while during the day and am up all night. We are nocturnal here: cats, aquarium catfish, and me.
I can't choose an interest because I'm interested in 90% of the "Interests."
There is no category for my hair color - auburn with streaks of gray - so I chose "Red." My nephew says the auburn streaks are barely visible anymore, so I should just go with gray. (little poot!) NOW MY STYLIST HAS CHANGED MY HAIR COLOR FROM RED TO HONEY-BLONDE! WILL THE INSANITY NEVER END?
I live in a "Flat" because I can afford to without working any more, therefore, I chose "I don't have a job" as my job. This enables me to live in lounge-wear, or"Pyjamas" all day.
I'm not certain that what I listen to can be categorized as "Music," but no one has complained yet.
"I'm on a diet" because I'm not supposed to eat anything fun.
In closing, a "Virgo" will intrinsically drive herself into being a "Mad Cow" by the time she reaches her mid-forties.
My Latest Updates Show All
Spring Cleaning in the FallWritten Sep 21, 2011
Do you go back and read your old blog posts? (Hey, I think I'll make a poll about that...) I was pretty careful at first with what I shared in my blog 'cuz I didn't want to pollute the waters, so to speak. It didn't take me long, though, until I was pouring out all kinds of doodoo, and my blog took on the appearance of a stagnant pond. I've decided my first approach was the best one, so... ...More
Times, they are a changin'Written Aug 30, 2011
Another year has passed, and it took a lot with it! My adorable (ha!) nephew told me over the weekend that my hair isn't even gray with streaks of auburn anymore. It's too gray to notice the streaks. Maybe it's time to consider that dye job I've kept putting off! Hair from a can won't solve everything, though. My skin isn't wanting to stay put. It has begun the slow, downward slide. I've... ...More
MY FIRST STORY: A Snag Jumped Up And Chopped Off My Best Tools, autobiographicalWritten Oct 11, 2010
Things were going great, so I started drafting a story line. A lot of my community lots took on new meanings, so I revamped several of them, and added some more. I bought WA to enhance the Sim's life-styles. Gran's and Nana's lot are set, necessary characters CAS'd, Midtown District is a real center-city hub now, and new games have been saved relative to each unique story line. I was... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
DOTApr 13, 2012
Many thanks to you for your kind words on the Green House Set I tried to make
spitzmagicApr 04, 2012
Shelley are you in Texas also?
spitzmagicApr 04, 2012
Shelley are you in Texas also?