Pauton (1056487)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (161 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Wood Parquet #3
Published Jul 5, 2007
About Me
Hi everyone! My name is Paula and I am a mom of three beautiful children living outside of Rochester, New York. I'm sorry about my long absence, but I do plan to return to house building very soon since so many people have been asking me. Unfortunately, I really only have the time for such activities during the summer months, so I hope to be busy throughout July and August.
I hope everyone here visiting my profile will at least take a look at my houses- they're decent, nothing spectacular- but maybe you might like them anyway. Please leave comments and "thank" me if you're happy- I love getting feedback, and you get kudos anyway. Win-win situation, right?
My Guestbook Show All
charrayFeb 11, 2009
Just wanted to say I love your lots You did an amazing job on them. Thanks so much for all the work and for sharing them
cutewings2007Oct 31, 2008
your work is awesome !
celianroy21Jan 24, 2007
I love your houses they are my favorite on here, they're so realistic and tasteful. Thanks and I hope you never quit making things for the sims!!!