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magicmorgieOct 21, 2018

I'm worried fu is gonna die since hawkmoth more or less knows where the kwami are now fffffffffffffff

magicmorgieOct 21, 2018

oh here's a mini translation if you want one, Marinette stuttering's around Adrien she said 'you're so handsome' ahahaha my shipppppppp cries and sobs and dies I'm fine

magicmorgieOct 21, 2018

I'm gonna need like a week to recover and then it's gonna be mayura and I'm worried for our sanity right now

magicmorgieOct 21, 2018

now all those Adrien having nightmares about accidentally using cataclysm on ladybug make sense and hurt even more shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit I'm f i n e

magicmorgieOct 21, 2018

I can't form coherent thoughts oh my god but Adrien protecting Marinette gives me life, their reactions to Lila, their mutual reactions generally the sync I'm done theyre the best match ever, chat sassing Chloe I love that boy oh my god and Marinette being a total mess I love her skfhdlgkf help meeeeeeeeeee D: Gabriel has lost his shiiiiiiiiit for real oh my god, Nathalie???????? that was??? unexpected????? I thought he'd akumatize her the normal way not IM READY LET ME DO THIS?????????????? I k n e w Gabriel had a statue of Emilie I knew it I knew it fffffffffffff. I didn't expect Nino and Alya being sappy and gross lol, chat's reaction makes me wonder if he figured out who they are? I wanna knooooooooooow fsıdkjgskdgjl oh my god how are we supposed to survive the week skdjglsdg aaaaaaaaaaaaaa what the hell D: of course it's volpina it's always her I hate her so much she's soooo toxic omfg?????? Plagg being destructive??? I love it. that illusion broke me though wtf it hurt wtf???????????????????????? now we have the answer that cataclysm can really kill people oh dear x_x

magicmorgieOct 21, 2018

one thing I've been singing at myself for the past few episodes is we'll go from there from the anastasia musical, ~hand shaking, heart thundering, meet the royal messssssss~ *whale noises*

magicmorgieOct 21, 2018

do you need translations??????? I'm dying but I can still function enough for that

magicmorgieOct 21, 2018


magicmorgieOct 21, 2018

actually now that I think about it I don't remember if it was Alya or Marinette who called him prince charming or both. maybe both? hmmm

magicmorgieOct 21, 2018

was that the biggest wall of text so far? hahaha whoooooopsie

magicmorgieOct 21, 2018

exactly!! comparing what Adrien feels for her to what Luka felt is just... no. stop that. their feelings are worlds apart. you can't compare a oh hey you're cute wanna hang out? to you're the love of my life and I would die protecting you and I would jump off a building because you told me to. like seriously x_x oh oh I think the two weights thing is double standards in english and I agree, sometimes it just seems like they're projecting and twisting canon to fit their views, which is well, ridiculous! utterly r i d i c u l o u s. :v about ladybug, she's not always duty-focused, or well when it comes to Adrien at least, do you remember volpina and riposte? she completely lost her mind. she tries most of the time though that's for sure. I think they try - ladybug and Adrien - to keep their feelings in check most of the time because of their situations but they can't and honestly who could? oh my god ikr, I don't get people's behavior, especially for such a feel-good (most of the time) show, it's like they think the show is too happy so they projectile vomit their own negativity all over the places and the writers wth. hahahaha Tikki's ice on her butt oh my god yes I forgot about that omfg. but ikr??? Plagg wearing a tiara? no problem. Marinette having the pinkest room in history of pink? no problem. Adrien being a fabulous disney princess (they called him goldilocks???)? no problem. a tiara on ladybug? WORLD WAR THREE. honestlyyyyyyyy, Marinette is a f******* princess as much as Adrien is her f******* prince. they canonically called each other 'princess'/'prince charming' get over it. I swear what the hell is wrong with being feminine anyway? why can't you be both feminine and strong? that's exactly what she is. or do you have to be a tomboy to be strong? so closer to male and women can't be strong? is that it? because it sounds like it. she wears flowery things and does her hair and makeup and her room is pink and she makes pink edits with hearts and cute outfit but yeah a tiara. so offensive. dear god help me lol I can't. have these people never seen any magical girls stuff? sailor moon/winx club/precure/lolirock if we're going for french and I love that show lol, so feminine and yet they kick ass. this is so f******* absurd I don't know how to react anymore. yup she's free to do what she wants but she has medium hair length to me no regrets c_c I wanna see adult ladybug with a braid and her current bangs that would be so pretty D: \:wub\: yup yup I noticed the ice akuma-romance thing, I wonder what's up with that? lava akuma haha that would be good lol, volcanos erupting everywhere and them just kissing passionately in the middle of everything like paris is now middle earth. \:D maybe it's even more than a month or two tbh, and his questions were actually different each time, glaciator being you love someone else? who is he..?/and frozer being like you can't tell me who he is but would things be different if he weren't here? oh my god I know, he has some hell of a courage if he can open up his heart like that to her, he knows her but he doesn't know who she is exactly and yet he opens up completely and more or less puts his heart in her hands to do whatever she wants with and I don't think people realize how vulnerable that situation is and yet he does it because he just loves her that much, and yes you're right if it worked with 'the other boy' (the fact that he's the same person though I'm gonna die) she would have told him she has a boyfriend, so he knows she doesn't, just knows that there's someone but that can change. how can he not try again though? when he sees her every day of his life and she's so close and he loves her so much, how could he not? it must hurt, having her there all the time and not being able to do anything about it, can you blame him at all for being heartbroken? he was upset for a total of five f******** minutes, and how can you not be heartbroken when you give your heart to someone only for them to refuse it? gahhhhhhhh. even Marinette who is so brave and amazing doesn't have the courage to do what he did tbh and I can't blame her at all. and yup Thomas seems pretty chill overall so it has to be some kind of defensive mode tbh. ohhhh I've always had a thing for pretty hands! I'm really in love with Adrien's. tbh I refuse him not having claws in powerups, I n e e d the claws like air. I love them, they're so pretty and suit him so well, long slender fingers with claws and leather gloves ahhhhhhhh *-* fangs are greaaaaaat, I wonder why they didn't give him fangs? well he's not a vampire so I get it but I mean still why not lol. I have no idea about the feet honestly I'm just gonna ignore it lol. the ice skating blades are really pretty though. ohhh ahaha I'm glad that made you laugh \:D ohhh those are pretty big translation changes actually! \:o ohhh no I don't mean an actual soulmate universe where each one has a person they're meant to be with, those are ehhhh lol, but more like, these two have a stronger love than anyone else there, so kind of a one true love thing? maybe? either way they are very much the one balance ship and the best match possible \:D I want to know more about that creation/destruction balance thing sooooooo bad argh. and the stuff about the cat and bug miraculous being the strongest and most powerful, I want to see cataclysm go Plagg destruction mode and lucky charm being avatar mode x_x tbh I think if people have this much to complain about they should just stop watching the show because where's the enjoyment in complaining about everything you see? I honestly like that they're not completely flawless, they're passionate and they can be jealous and clumsy and angry and they just feel so real, not flawless but they're perfect to me (and to each other \:wub\: ) HAHAHAHA Nathalie breathing too close to Gabriel oh my god, yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah they're gonna die when they realize that oh yeah he's actually married and she probably has feelings for him lololol. lol ikr? chat manages to get himself in pretty compromising positions most of the time lol, just??? reverser?????? I'm not sure if that was worse or copycat was worse lol. this show is definitely the opposite of sexist nobody's being objectified or anything, chat knows he's pretty and their fans drool over them both but honestly that's normal lol people are weird lol go figure. oh my god cataclyst, I tried to sleep earlier than usual to wake up in time but then I woke up at like 3am instead and I'm nervous and I'm gonna die. how can you keep forgetting about it hahaha it's all I've been thinking of for the past few days like omgogmogm omg we're gonna die x_x it wasn't supposed to happen this fast!!!!!!! why is it happening so fast!!! I can't deal??? and we have to wait another week before mayura DDDDDDDDDD: I really really really hope the season won't end in a cliffhanger the way volpina did because we're gonna suffer if it does. I knoooooooooooooooow cataclyst is gonna end up in a cliffhanger since it's a two parter and origins did too but x_x f*** x_x it's in 6h now x_x help D:I'm gonna cry and die with you x_x I'm still hoping for a kiss even though it's unlikely but you never knooooooooow x_x

magicmorgieOct 20, 2018

today is outburst day it seems but I need to complain sorry D: somebody said Adrien's like "I love her so I can't let her go" vs Luka who's like "I love her so I'll let her go" and thats why Luka is better and I just.?????????????????????????????????????? my god, when was it ever established that Luka loved her? he doesn't, he can't, he talked to her for lile 10 minutes, thought she was cool and liked her and thats it. he has no reason to cling to a girl he just met who clearly loves somebody else. Adrien's her other half, he's spent countless hours with her, fighting together and spending so much time together and they trust each other with their lives and everything they've got, I doubt she would trust anybody like she trusts him, do you remember how safe and at peace she looked in his arms in glaciator? she never looked like that with Luka, Adrien would literally sacrifice himself and die for her, he's always there for her, can you blame him for not letting go of the love of his life? the girl he fell in love with at first sight? I don't see Marinette letting go either, and why would they? they love each other more than anything. and now Luka is somehow better cause he let go of a girl he barely knows? wow just wow these people. the rage is real x_x

magicmorgieOct 20, 2018

omg wow I just saw the whining wtf is wrong with these people O.O the toxicity is off the charts o.o someone said Marinette didn't like it when chat called her princess? no?????? are we watching the same show? she was only making fun of his dramatics behind his back but she seemed fine with it? the only time she complained about nicknames was the first two times he called her bugaboo then she got used to it and probably loves it now \:P oh and honestly the fact that they think a hero can't be feminine is iffy, like you can't be strong and feminine at the same time? this is like failed feminism lol isnt the entire point being what you want to be? if she wants to have a tiara let her be wow, and I think they're forgetting that Adrien is basically a disney princess lol dumbfu***

magicmorgieOct 20, 2018

we are the queens of the walls of text lol

magicmorgieOct 20, 2018

hello hello! oh no you're angry D: but I definitely understand you I feel the same about this fandom c_c how's a tiara sexist omfg thats ridiculous? the hair too? whats their deal omg she's allowed to be as feminine as she wants, and she is pretty feminine anyway???? x_X are they forgetting that she wears pink all the time and wears makeup and has pretty accessories all over her room lol. the tiara fits her pretty well I say x_x about the short hair design, I don't like it either tbh like at all, I think shoulder length suits her much better but hey it could be a I wanna try something new kind of hair and she would keep it for a few months and then go back, at least that's how I like to see it, designs change a lot anyway so you never know \:o *clings to Marinette having shoulder length forever* omfg theyre complaining that he got mad for 5mn again? don't they realize this show is a romance show? you know what pisses me off? it's that nobody's calling out Alya for being salty and petty about the queen bee party and not trying to see Marinette's point of view at all, I mean I have nothing against it, but you're all yelling about Marinette and Adrien but Alya gets a free pass hmmm? omg racist show lol sure, it's like Adrien learning chinese being racist ah sigh gotta love tumblr x_x have you thought that maybe Astruc acts the way he does because these as****** act like this all the time? honestly sure it's not very professional but man is this fandom toxic I can't blame him at all x_x okay back to where we left off lol. lol oh my god yes the feet x_x Adrien has huge feet (and hands! I love his hands so much \:o) both as chat noir and without the costume so that was probably a stupid mistake they did lol, honestly it's one of the reasons I think he's gonna be a giant as an adult lol. I don't know anything about anatomy either but ooooh yes please keep the updated look like that (and watch Marinette combust cause her boy is getting older and hot as hell \:D) ohh do they change the translations a lot? D: but yeah it's probably a mistake, albeit an unfortunate one x_x ohhhhh wtf english dub same eyes??? lol thats dumb, might as well tell her she has the same eyes as him and that's why theyre so compatible lol hahaha, or that the earth is completely green now x_x I think it was simon says too because wasn't that the only time besides volpina that she was in his room in s1? I can't blame you for rewatching everything lol I do that too, I love s1 it's so cute!! yup yup what fu said definitely sounded like he was talking about romance not partnership, if Tikki and Plagg's magic pushed them together though wouldn't ladynoir be the ladrien ship? like mutual romance and adrienette would be strictly platonic? well 'platonic' *snorts* nothing of what these morons do is platonic lol. oh ohhhhh!! what if they're soulmates?? like meant to be each others' one true love, it would fit the love at first sight (ah man the coup de foudre I can't it kills me slowly I love them gksdjljglsdf) and the pull they have towards each other even unmasked for him and masked for her? \:o have you thought about unfollowing some people? that could help tbh. ahhhhhh I hate copycat actually, reminds me I saw a comment repeating what he said to chat about not deserving to be a hero and someone agreeing with it and just,,,???? he did more or less the same ladybug did with volpina, and I can't blame them at all, Lila was an obnoxious clingy lying b**** and Theo???? do these people remember that he's probably in his twenties (he doesn't look any younger) and has a crush on a teenager but I don't see anybody calling him a creep??????? x_X I hate people lol. nightmare ladybug is amazing omg, if she weren't so mean to him I think he would have been drooling hahahaha. the holy water is good for this lol but honestly blame the show lol, two chats two bugs and insert chains and handcuffs hahaha it's ridiculous I love it lol. do you remember the shower scene? I died and went to heaven that day "can I get dressed first" "if you must" really ladybug oh my god girl get a grip hahahaha I love her so much she just wants to see her boy undressed for once hahaha oh man lol. are you ready for tomorrow btw?? I'm not I'm nervous as hell x_____________x

magicmorgieOct 19, 2018

oh noooooooooo, what the hell D: how did that happen??? did they rewrite it wrong or did the voice actor make a mistake and nobody noticed?? D: what happened with Adrien in simon says? I don't remember anything??? ahhh I wish I could pass you my french so you would understand the dub!! it would make it easier with the releases \:o oh my god I didn't think about her giving him the wrong signs but shiiiiiiiiiit thats true, oh my god poor girl D: I've always thought about him thinking oh maybe she's a little weird, but yes maybe he thinks flirting with her will make her uncomfortable c_c beyond the denial he has going on that is lol. oh hmmmm, you think he was trying to make ladybug jealous with rena?? \:o and yup he's a massive flirt but it usually stops at flirting with ladybug and Marinette (makes me wonder if he's always felt a certain 'pull' to her without knowing what it is... hmmmm). omg tumblr, I deleted mine a few years ago when it started becoming a sh*tshow and I'm glad I did that because it doesnt seem like it's getting better lol. I agree with you, their relationships are already developing and it's only gonna keep going from now on, and yes Astruc definitely knows what he's doing and he's a troll who likes to torture us at that arghhhhhhhh lol. omg ikr theyre so good???? makes me think I have a little thing for chat/marinette/adrien if their powers somehow went weird and doubled him \:P I mean the show makes it easy to imagine with the double ladybug and double chat lol, huh come to think of it why not marinette/adrien/ladybug I'm sure he would enjoy that as much as she would the previous hahaha oh dear why am I doing this to myself lol

magicmorgieOct 17, 2018

heyyy!! ohh I'm glad!! baby steps \:D I hope you recover fully soon \:wub\: oooooh, I feel your love for the italian va!! \:D I feel the same about the french dub it's soooooo good *-* and since our babies are french I can imagine them even better heh \:D oh my god I'm certain about the rebound thing because notice how they only went for them when they were sad about each other (like she almost cried over not being able to see Adrien in trashrock remember???) and yes I agree about the not going for the friend thing tbh, if you really care about someone you wouldn't risk something like that. I think troublemaker he probably thought about it then believed her when she denied it? because he seemed pretty umm flirty chat noir mode at first haha \:D oh my god yes yes yes he never acts that way with Alya, or Chloe for that matter even if he cares about her, or even Nino, the most we've seen were brofists and arm around the shoulder with those two. remember how they were gonna film that movie kiss and he backed away from Chloe but pulled Marinette in??? like??????? like the most he's done with anybody else is kiss Rena's hand wasn't it? and now since Audrey and Gabriel did that I suppose he just learned to greet some women like that lol, plus it's always more heartfelt with ladybug anyway ahhh \:D about the caring what she thinks, remember when he asked what she thought of chat noir?? he never asks people opinions like that so you're right he's definitely oblivious to his own feelings lol Adrien sigh you angel. omfg I'm so glad you agree!! people's opinions make me so mad, you're right they have a huge weight on their shoulders and they do so much work with school and their extracurriculars and saving everybody and yet they still do their best and they're absolute angels for it. honestly I'm older and I snap for nothing sometimes because well feelings happen, people aren't soulless x_x ikr Adrien recovers really fast even when he's mad, like he's gonna be mad for 5mn then he'll get over it and props to him tbh because I've had people sulk for weeks over nothing lol not even things like the ones he feels. wait people say she should be mad more often??? what??????? so they get mad they're immature jerks and they don't get mad they have issues?????? wtf!! I think Marinette trying to be chill around Chloe is very noble of her tbh and she gets all the points for it. I just think Marinette and Adrien are such good people and so good for each other tbh and I really love them so so so so much *sighs dreamily and gets yelled at by plagg for being gross* ahh don't thank me it's your own work! \:D you do amazing stuff \:D ohhhh I hope Marinette grows tall too! people who headcanon her being super tiny make me go o.O because her father is a giant and she's already taller than her mom lol so I imagine her as an adult being 1m75? (she could wear heels to get to Adrien's size \:D and they can keep their height difference too it's so cuuuuuute) ohhhh and is it just me or does chat look older in frozer? he looks so classy!! and sooooo good!! their ice skating was soo fab omg \:D have you seen the art by sakimichan (?) the pinups? makes me think lol if he's this flirty now imagine him as an adult in that cat suit, Marinette is gonna melt and combust lol ahahahah \:D

Munchkin12221Oct 16, 2018

Hi! Me again how did you find Frozer and Malediator?\:\)

magicmorgieOct 16, 2018

f*** that was a massive wall of rant and text I'm sorry lol. ohhh and your progress on hawkmoth is awesome!! I loved the "heels?? like hes not 1m90 already wtf" comment lol, I totally think Adrien is gonna be 1m90-95 as an adult lol

magicmorgieOct 16, 2018

hello hello \:D are you feeling better? I hope so!! ahh shame, just rewatch it in english then \:P or french shhh \:D I'm in love with the french dub ok c_c hahaha shitme thats so funny \:D I feel you omg I made so many weird noises while watching I hope the neighbors didn't somehow hear me lol. I do agree that she was giving her advice tbh but I just? didn't really like how she acted, not just with Marinette but just generally D: Adrien I think was describing her objectively at the beginning tbh, like yes she's pretty and mysterious but... you don't sound the same when you're talking about your lovebug do you now prince charming~ hahaha red outfit indeed lol. I don't think it's the strong girl thing but maybe more like, he met Marinette at the same time he met ladybug, fell in love at first sight with ladybug at the same time he became friends with Marinette so he never thought of her that way, and then he got hurt and Kagami was there... as a rebound. and honestly?? I don't think he'd use Marinette as a rebound, the same way ladybug didn't use chat noir as a rebound the way she did with Luka -- I don't think they would risk their friendships. and since he's so oblivious maybe he thinks Marinette thinks the same way about him that he does about her.. just friends (even if he's clearly starting to have feelings for her without even realizing), while Kagami came on to him pretty strongly and Marinette well while being stumbly and adorable around him, she never even hinted at liking him directly, even when he told her about that she denied it, thats probably not helping his 'just friends' view of her. something else, about the strength thing, thats like the only thing ladybug and Kagami have in common besides the haircolor and the wearing red, because ladybug is sweet and goes out of her way to help people, he knows that, and she has a sweet, vulnerable and unsure side and he knows that too (see origin when they had just met and he encouraged her), Marinette has that, Kagami doesn't, she's on the colder side, didn't want to help the way Adrien does and she doesn't show vulnerabilities at all, so really I think the only reason besides the red (lol) is that well, she was there and basically told him outright. ahhh Luka lol, I don't think he's that bad anymore, he seemed sweeter this time, albeit a little weird lol, but what I really don't like is well when they're next to each other he makes her look 12 cause damn that boy actually looks my age and that makes it creepy I don't like it at all c_c huh feri said that?? I had no idea, okay so maybe not jealous but I don't really believe the learning from him thing cause like you said he flirts like hell and he's f****** good at it too you don't need advice lol. lol oh my god I know right??? Marinette has a problem?? *dumps everything and runs to her* I really really think he's actually not even aware he's falling for her, like he's convinced they're just friends but then he's so???? sweet??? with her? sickenly sweet in a way he's not with anybody else? (ladybug aside that is but shes the same person anyway even if he doesnt know that oh my god why) he touches her more than he touches anybody else?? hand on the shoulder, hand touches, that slow dance that will keep killing me slowly forever, the looking her up and down, keeping her lucky charm, "oh Marinette I'm sorry everyone thinks you're my girlfriend now \:\)" like?????????????? Adrien????????? are you okay boy??? and yessssss I'm so glad that bulls*** chapter with those two is over honestly lol, still I don't like the fact that Marinette thinks he likes Kagami now since she didn't hear what he actually told her sigh. something else I really don't like that I need to rant about, people on tumblr and crap (I wont check anywhere ever again cause people are making me mad) keep yelling about Adrien being mad at ladybug, even though he was mad for like 5mn, they made up really quickly, like f******* excuse me is he not allowed to have feelings? yes it's not her fault and we know that and he knows that too but he's loved her for so long and he opened his heart to her and let himself be vulnerable and she rejected his advances (I'm not blaming her at all) he's allowed to be hurt, he's not a f******* robot, honestly. and then I saw somebody else say it's a 'rich people thing' cause Kagami was cold and just. I can't deal with these people and their crap fffff. and then there's the thing with Marinette in malediktator, she snapped back at Chloe - by accident - and I saw people saying it's bullying because people will side with Marinette over Chloe??? wtf???? what the hell??? like she wasn't horrible to her all the time??? one comment makes Marinette a bully now?????? like?? give these kids a break? they're absolute angels, they make mistake sometimes but they're so good natured and they do their best to help everyone and honestly they just deserve the best. the 'nobody's useless'/'a friend once told me nobody's useless thing' killed me, I died so much. he's so good for her, and she's so good for him, I love them arhghjdfkghdks help meeeeeeeeeeeee D: I love queen bee too oh my god she's so fabulous!! I want her to be fab af with chat now, and I love Chloe now too!! she's slowly getting better and do you know what this means! Adrien and Chloe's friendship getting better \:D aaaaaaaaa that makes me happy because I kinda brotp them a lot lol, blonde babies being fashion disasters together and being heroes of paris fans :'D eventually if she gets over her feelings for him I want him to tell her about ladybug and she'd be like omg u so cute c_c I really don't think we're gonna survive the finale though oh dear c_c

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    Published November 15, 2022 •
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