Back With More Goodies!
Firstly, a big thank you to everyone who supported me in my previous blog over the reporting issues - it's greatly appreciated! I'm presuming that since I've had my submissions accepted and published since then (and I haven't changed anything in the process), that I'm not officially considered to be doing anything wrong and it was just a case of sour grapes on the part of the reportee.
Anyway, I just want to put it all behind me and carry on doing what I enjoy - making paintings to (hopefully) brighten up your sims' homes - so here are a few previews of some sets I've been working on.
Firstly, three adorable bear paintings - great for nurseries and kids' bedrooms:
Secondly, staying with the cute theme, two 'Cuddly Toys' paintings:
Thirdly, two more sets for your fashion designers:
Followed by a pair of rather nice flowers:
Something a little different - candles:
Some beautiful white tulips:
And finally for now, some booze (Rah!):
and some more booze (Hic'cup!):
Hope you like them - comments, ideas and feedback always welcome!