terraNATURii (3089369)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (81 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Leo Lady
Published Dec 12, 2011
About Me
Welcome to the fresh and fruity world of terraNATURii.
SA since 24th January 2011.
-I almost download and create more than playing sims2.
-I love fashion and designer clothes, especially Balmain.
-I adore the stuff of ilikemusic, newsea, peggy, steffor and all creators of justsims2.
My Latest Updates Show All
Out and About.Written Dec 29, 2010
Hello simworld! I gope you all had a great christmas like me! It was adorable. Except the pc thing. I must format , so my actual creation is missing. And I can't make any new stuff, cause I make my computer actually. I'll fix this soon! Please be patient and thanks for you all downloading my stuff. Makes me happy ^_______^ Have a Happy New Year! xoxo ...More
1st December.Written Dec 01, 2010
Hey ho. Today's the first December! Which means christmas is so close! That's a reason to celebrate, so I will make 24 clothes. I don't know if they come up before christmas, but I try. The clothes will be come up with a new preview design. The old one was old and stuff. So, have fun! xoxo ...More
New creation.Written Nov 26, 2010
Hello! I've made 4 new clothes for the female adults, and one of them will be online tomorrow. The other will be probably upcoming next week. Hope you all have a nice weekend! xoxo Jacky ...More
My Guestbook Show All
jes sale Aug 25, 2015
nice work!
grasimorganSep 06, 2013
you're AMAZING, thanks (:
LILOU14Jul 23, 2012
Coucou J’adore t'est tenus elle marche