madaya74 (342178)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (254 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Old Styled Sinks
Published Jan 13, 2015
About Me
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Please repect this! Please respect my work! It takes a lot of time for me making these. Thank you!
My Latest Updates Show All
Modern Bathroom Coming SoonWritten Jun 13, 2011
I was not able to create a new set during the last month. There are too many ideas in my mind and I could not decide what to start with. :lol: Finally I came to a decision and started a modern bathroom. It's not ready, but I hope it will be soon. Hope you'll like it. ...More
UPDATE: What's coming next?Written Feb 06, 2011
Windows again! :D Some simple tilt and turn plastic windows. With separate windowsills. And I made some 'construction items' to build thicker walls/wall niches. These items are half as thick as one tile so you can place (using moveobjects on) a sink, or toilet in front of the walltable. Here are the first pics. ...More
Feedback and questions on my Caravan SetWritten Jan 18, 2011
I don't know what to start with! Forgive me that I don't thank all of you by leaving some words on your guestbooks. I DO absolutely appreciate all your nice comments on my Caravan items so much (as well as all my other items too)!!! And I want to thank you all this way instead! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Just want to answer some questions here on this "central" place. Yes, I... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
P.J.MM.Jul 17, 2021
watersim44Jul 28, 2020
Hey Madaya, ich hoffe dir gehts gut. ich hinterlass mal einen Simsgruß. bye ws
FrankieWSep 26, 2015
I love the work you have done on Sims3, haven't quite got the hang of Sims4 but I am guessing your creations will be fantastic. Thank you for all the wonderful downloads I have received.