gioiella (1526421)
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*Advent*06.12 TeenM Outerwear
Published Dec 6, 2011
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Appologies...:(((((((Written Dec 17, 2011
Greetings, I regret to inform you that my game has crashed to a non-recoverable state and I had to reinstall it :((((((. Unfortunately, this resulted in a loss of everything that I had prepared for the Christmas calendar. ...It was a lot of work and I would not be starting it over. As a compensation, I will try to prepare something special for Christmas. Sorry :(((((((((( ...More
My blog!Written Aug 30, 2010
Hi,this is my blog.I hope you like it! :) ...More
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BluEllaDec 27, 2011
Hi! Thank you so much your christmas wishes. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your Family.
simka334Dec 26, 2011
Dear gioiella,
Thank you for your wishes! I also hope they will come true.
And of course I hope your Christmas ia/was nice and joyful, and that the Christmas spirit will remain with you throughout the whole year!
sandrinhaDec 25, 2011
Thank you for commenting on my clothes! Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year full of Health, Peace and Joy for you and your family!