Cheer Bumps
Sims 3 — Cheer Bumps by jessesue2 — Cheer bumps covers chest bumps for both men and women, fist bump and a hip bump.

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Created for: The Sims 3 Creator Terms of Use

Cheer bumps covers chest bumps for both men and women, fist bump and a hip bump. Chest bumps on the ground and leaps into the air as well. This is set 1.

*12 poses - pose list compatible

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ItemID: 1718754

Filesize: 201 KB


a_bmit_cheerbump1 (2 males, a little off ground)
a_bmit_cheerbump2 (goes with pose 1)
a_bmit_cheerbump3 (2 females, on ground)
a_bmit_cheerbump4 (goes with poes 3)
a_bmit_cheerbump5 (fist bump)
a_bmit_cheerbump6 (goes with pose 5)
a_bmit_cheerbump7 (leaping off ground)
a_bmit_cheerbump8 (goes with pose 7)
a_bmit_cheerbump9 (2 feemales jumping up)
a_bmit_cheerbump10 (goes with pose 9)
a_bmit_cheerbump11 (hip bump)
a_bmit_cheerbump12 (goes with pose 11)

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