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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
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It's time to go back to the dorm, but with style and comfort. Dorm Sweet Dorm collection has 4 sets. This is the 4th : Wall Neon Names.
All in 3D with 6 colors each.
They are all in simlish, and you can choose by the shapes you prefer the most. However, in case you want to know which name is which...
- Name 1: Becky
- Name 2: Thayz
- Name 3: Maria
- Name 4: Olivia
- Name 5: Paula
- Name 6: Juliet
- Name 7: Uruha
As mentioned before, since they are in simlish, you can choose by style and pretend it's the name you want written ;)
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ItemID: 1715778
Filesize: 1 MB
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