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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
This Creation has Requirements - Click here to show them
Small, medieval-looking house for the herbalist. Big forest and a lovely pond around.
CC used! Please, read the Required section.
Price: 29 672
Size: 40 x 30
Room list:
1] open plan living area, kitchen and dining, and bedroom; bathroom (shower)
Originally the house was built and photographed in Oasis Springs on Arid Ridge lot.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1641430
ItemID: 1641430
Revision: 2
Filesize: 305 KB
I have installed packs:
Go To Work
Get Together
City Living
Cats and Dogs
Get Famous
Island Living
Discover University
Eco Lifestyle
Snowy Escape
Cottage Living
High School Years
Outdoor Retreat
Spa Day
Dine Out
Jungle Adventure
Dream Home Decorator
Wedding Stories
Perfect Patio
Cool Kitchen
Movie Hangout
Romantic Garden
Kids Room
Vintage Glamour
Bowling Night
Laundry Day
Tiny Living
Nifty Knitting
Industrial Loft Kit
Blooming Rooms Kit
Desert Luxe Kit
Holiday Celebration Pack
You must have the last game patch to play this house.
Codes used:
Shift + [
Shift + ]
Ctrl + 9
To install this house into your game:
- download the lot
- unzip files
- copy all lot files (BLUEPRINT, TRAYITEM, 4xBPI files) and paste them into your Tray catalog ([...]My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Tray]
- I use the 'Moveobjects' code, if objects disappear, please put the lot with using the code.
If you do not see the house in Gallery, please click the Advanced Options button, then add a check mark for the option to 'Include Unowned Content'.
Please do not re-upload, modify or claim as your own.
Credits: TSR Artists
- Value: 29672
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Bedrooms: 1
- Bathrooms: 1
- Stories: 1
- Lot Size: 40x30
- Custom content: CC used
This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.
- Ye Medieval - Peasant Homelife - Bucket of Logs (Decor)
- Ye Medieval - Peasant Homelife - Chair
- Ye Medieval - Peasant Homelife - Counter
- Ye Medieval - Peasant Homelife - Hanging Birdcage
- Ye Medieval - Peasant Homelife - Hanging Branches
- Ye Medieval - Peasant Homelife - Hanging Broom
- Ye Medieval - Peasant Homelife - Hanging Garments
- Ye Medieval - Peasant Homelife - Hanging Herb Overgrown
- Ye Medieval - Peasant Homelife - Hanging Herbs
- Ye Medieval - Peasant Homelife - Hanging Pots & Stuff
- Ye Medieval - Peasant Homelife - Hearth Cooker Grill
- Ye Medieval - Peasant Homelife - Logs (Decor)
- Ye Medieval - Peasant Homelife - Shower
- Ye Medieval - Peasant Homelife - Single Bed
- Ye Medieval - Peasant Homelife - Sink
- Ye Medieval - Peasant Homelife - Table
- Ye Medieval - Peasant Homelife - Toilet
- Late Dinner Apples
- Market Basket with Seeds
- Market Big Sack
- Marketplace Spices. Sacks, v2
- Chickens. Chicken, v2
- Chickens. Chicken, v1
- Sabrina. Herbs, table version
- Late Dinner Jug and Bowl
- Makena Bedroom. Vases, v1
- Late Dinner Tableware
- Late Dinner Bowls
- Xenia Decor. Plates with Onion
- Ye Medieval. Molly. Bottle
- Ye Medieval. Molly. Candles, v1
- Ye Medieval. Molly. Jugs
- Ye Medieval. Molly. Porridge
- Ye Medieva Pilar Loarre Almidez
- Ye Medieval Pilar Loarre Bowl1
- Ye Medieval Pilar Loarre Cantarera
- Ye Medieval Pilar Loarre EndTable
- Ye Medieval Pilar Loarre Marmite
- Ye Medieval Pilar Loarre Stool
- Ye Medieval Pilar Loarre Stove
- Ye Medieval Pilar Loarre Sugar
- Ye Medieval Pilar Loarre TableLamp
- Ye Medieval Pilar BreadBasket