nicketti's Blog
Thanksgiving Again
Hello and happy November 2013. Have been away. Had another surgery and can walk now, yeah. Also Am doing vollunteer work for salvation army festivals. Have a new career as a face painter which is allowing me to use my art background. Am playing bells and chimes at my church which lets me use my music. Am also a volunteer clown at our senior center. My clown name is Sparkle and lets me act crazy without being put away. Have made some new patterns and they are available on my web page under leniece. Some woods, tiles and misc.
November Is Gold Month!
Happy Thanksgiving and other holidays worldwide.
November is almost gone now. Please check out my new GOLD themed patterns in my Sims studio page.
My family took me to the Texas Renaissance Faire over Thanksgiving weekend. It was great fun. The caroline bell player that appeared on America's Got Talent was there. He is very entertaining and we purchased all of his music CDs. The faire is near Navasota and Plantersville, Texas. It happens every year for 8 weekends in October and November. There are several areas dedicated to specific themes and this year we ate Greek food. Love those Giros. For desert we went to the British section and had apple dumplings with ice cream. Yum, yum, yummy. Was able to find Xmas gifts for family members.
I now have Sims 3 Seasons and the festivals are loads of fun. I made Agnes Crupplebottom a witch with cats. And made the Goth family fairies. So fun.
Happy October and Halloween
This is my favorite time of year. The new Supernatural EP is so fun. Even more so because as a child one of my grandmothers was into fortunes and seances and stuff like that. So naturally Halloween became my favorite holiday. To celebrate, I have placed some new Halloween themed patterns in my studio on the Sims webpage. Look for leniece, my other nom de plume. Oh yes, my grandmother spoke french, which most of the grandchildren learned.
On a personal note, recent surgery has allowed me to walk again. Yeah and Hurray. I am now able to get around better and even leave the house for adventures! Saturday, Oct. 6, 2012 am being taken to a wild game dinner. They serve axis, blackbuck, venison (deer), wild boar (hogs), catfish, buffalo, bison, wild birds like squab (look it up, it is very good).
Am so lucky and feel so much better. I have volunteered to do face painting for a charity on Halloween. They do trunk or treat. Place cars in the parking lot and give out goodies from there. There is a trunk decorating contest too. It makes it so much safer for the kids, and adults. This year there is even going to be a petting zoo. Which does not count my doggie, who loves to give kisses and get scratched behind the ears.
Happy Holidays everyone, remember, Don't Worry Be Happy Have Fun
New Wall Patterns on Sims 3 Exchange
Hello, after several months. Happy all the holidays that were missed. There are even more new patterns that I have made and are available on the main Sims 3 website exchange under the profile of leniece, my other aka. Have made some TSR request patterns and some new wall patterns. Am using the new wall patterns to make some fairy and other homes for the new upcoming EP Supernatural. Check it Out!
Have had new surgery during my absence and should be able to do some assisted walking soon. Yeah. This wheelchair is going into retirement soon, I hope. Meanwhile, learning to go up and down stairs and steps again has been pretty funny. Reminds me of Igor from frankenstein movie. My wonderful doggie has been following me everywhere, trying to figure out why I do not have wheels anymore and why he is not riding in my lap.
So, for all those simmers who are having PEPS over the new Supernatural EP, please see my studio on Sims 3 and happy playing. Thank you.
Oh and to all the TSR pattern makers and other artists, you are doing wonderful things. Keep it up and a Big Thank You for your dedication and hard work. TSR Rocks!
My creations on the Sims 3 Exchange.
Hi all! This is to let folks know that I am placing my pattern creations on the Sims 3 Exchange website. Look for leniece. There is angelina ballerina and hello kitty. Some rock star patterns inspired by the EP Showtime. Also doing a Feburary is Red month. Look for some cool red tiles. Happy Valentine's Day.