lolo1037 (2380918)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (5 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

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Published Dec 30, 2009
About Me
I am Polish and I like The Sims 2 Series and Mirror's Edge. I downloaded by EA Download Manager The Sims 2 Store Beta Edition. It didn't give me any profits and I have now Sims 2 in English. I doesn't make any difference for me very much but I liked my Sims 2 in Polish cause for me it's way easier to play or build. I didn't have to translate all game from English into Polish in my mind.
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estaticaNov 05, 2010
Hello! Thank you for leaving such a wonderful comment on the Abrahamson Apartments. Have fun building a Sims 2 version!
lolo1037Jan 17, 2010
And maybe it had a subscriber content and I have free account. In July I am gonna buy a 2 month subscription.
lolo1037Jan 17, 2010
That's unfair . I built a beautyful apartment lot. 2 awesome manors for rent called Vista Verde and admins didn't accept that, cause it had after unpacking 86MB.