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Wicked_Kittie's Blog

Thank you for an amazing four years :)

Hello! It has been awhile to say the least. This whole year was been crazy for me for many reasons. I have been uploading on here since I was 14 years old. That is crazy! I didn't realize that my hobby of making clothing would soon turn into its own mini career. The amount of support everyone has shown me over the past four years has meant so much to me, and I am so grateful for everything. With that being said, as of now I am stepping away from making custom content. I started college this year, and I just do not have time any more. I have been wanting to make a return for a bit now, but time never allowed so. My priotity right now is my education, and I hope you all can understand. 

The Sims 4 has helped me in so many ways. I am majoring in interior design at College For Creative Studies. CCS is one of the best art schools in the world, and I am so incredibly blessed to be attending. The funny thing is I learned my love for interior design through the sims! I would spend hours looking at all the custom furniture on TSR, then make crazy houses, stores, venues, etc. This place helped me realize what I wanted to pursue a career in. It is crazy how one small hobby can be the thing that defines your future! 

This place has been amazing, and I am so incredibly grateful for all the love and support I recieved over the years. Maybe some day I can come back, but until now thank you for everything! It really has been a blast! If you ever need to ask me a question or anything, please still reach out! I'll still try to answer as soon as possible! 

Seriously thank you friends, and I hope to return someday <3

- Emma 

Five Million Downloads!

I can't believe I am saying this, but I have officially surpassed five million downloads!
I can't thank you guys enough for all the support you have given me over the past few years.

I never imagined I would be here. I started making custom content for fun when I was 15 years old. 
My 18th birthday is actually 3 weeks away! Somehow a little hobby turned into this insane experience! 
Seriously thank you for all the support you all have given me. I love sharing my weird creations with you guys. 

I didn't realize how many people had the same taste in fashion as me aha! 
It warms my heart seeing photos on Instagram or Tumblr of your guys sims wearing my things! 
Everything is just unbelieveable! 

Thank you so much for all the love and support over the past 3ish years. 
It really does mean the world!

I look forward to creating more clothing for you guys!
And please tag me in pictures of your sims wearing my cc, I love seeing you guys using my stuff!
I am @_emmacrossing_ on Instagram and @wickedkittie23 on Tumblr. 

Thank you for 5 million!

Love you guys,


Comeback Time

Hey guys it has been a while, and I am truly sorry about that.
I hate not posting, but life likes to pile things up, and time seems to just never exist at this point. 
With the school year reaching an end in a couple of weeks, my schedule is due to open back up. 
I really do want to start uploading twice a week again, but at the same time I want to ease back into the groove.
It has been almost two onths since I sat down to create something, so I don't want to burn myself out immediately. 
Probably for the next few weeks I am going to aim to be back on my new content every Sunday grind, and swtich to multipe times a week after school ends for the year. 

I am really sorry about disappearing without a word. Something about this time of the year likes to consume all my time.
On the flip side, some good has happened over the past few months.
For instance I just celebrated my 17th birthday about two weeks ago. I have no idea how I am aging so quickly aha. Like how am I legally an adult next year!?
I also took the SAT and got an alright score! So the stress of testing is dying down too, I just have to do exams in June. 

Needless to say things have been full of ups and downs, and time became limited. I am beyond happy to make a comeback, because frankly I missed it!
A break is always good, but its been too long.

Can't wait to bring you guys new content!
And thank you for always being so understanding,


Emma :) 

Two Years!

Today marks the two year anniversary of uploading cc!
Time truly does fly by so fast. This year has been a rollercoaster, and full of ups and downs. A lot of things went crazy, but a lot of amazing things also happened.

At points I felt like quiting making cc all together, but something kept me going. And I'm so grateful I did. 
Making stuff for you guys really does make me happy. Being able to share my unique style with others who have the same interest is amazing. 

I don't like to look at the numbers aspect of things, but this year I surpassed 3 million downloads. That is insane. Never did I imagine I'd be where I am today, and I'm forever grateful for all the love and support you've all given me. 

My content has improved a lot this year, and I'm excited to see how things look like a year from now. 

Being 16 years old, I still have to figure out the balance of school and sims, but I still try to keep my happy medium. I just want to bring you guys new content as often as possible. I can't speak for the future, but I will try my hardest to make this new year the best we've seen yet!

It's time to leave all the negativity behind, and welcome the new year with open arms. 

Thank you guys for making this all possible for me. Literally none of this would be possible without you guys!

Love you all, and here's to two years!

~ Emma

Time to Bounce Back!

For the past year I put it upon myself to upload once or twice a week. I have honored that commitment for the whole time i have been on here.
Well all up to two weeks ago. A lot of things in life started to stack on me, and time seemed to be slipping away. Every second it felt like I was trying to do something. 
I realized that this would probably be the cause of my first upload miss. But one week isn't too bad, but then the next week came and I was still lacking content to post. 
I really did feel bad, becasue I view this as sorta a job in its own way. Not doing anything for it didn't feel good one bit. I value you guys so much and want to keep makig content for you guys, and not being able to accomish that was upsetting. 

The thing is, I think this slump is finally going away. All the big events  that cause my lack of work have passed for the time being. It really feels great to say I believe I can return back to posting for you guys! Blue skies are to come! No more rain clouds :)

The past month or so hasn't been all terrible at least to say. Like I am offically 16 years old! I could drive a car legally now, well techincally. I still have no idea how to drive, but that topic is for a different day! 

Until then, I hope you all are doing great. And I look forward to uploading for you all one more!
See you this Wednesday,

One Year!

Today is the one year anniversary of uploading on here! 
I can't believe it has been a whole 365 day with you amazing people. 
No words can explain how grateful for each and everyone of you guys. You all make doing this something to look forward to. Seriously thank you all.
Never in a million years would I imagine being where I am today. And I owe that all to you.

Thank so much,


Might Miss an Upload Date

I'm heading down to Kentucky for the eclispe this week. I might not have time to make CC For next weekend. 
So just a warning there might not be an upload on the 27th. 
You never know, I might actually be able to sqeeze in some free time. 

Another little heads up, school is returning soon for me. So my upload rate may turn every other week if it is too much stress. 
It is hrad managing High School and Custom Content.  
10th grade year already, I can't believe it! Soon I will be graduating, scary to think about. 

Anyway, I hope you all are understanding of what the future may hold. 
It is hard being a 15 year old managing so many things, but hey! Practice for the real world, am I right?!

Thanks again,

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Thank you for an amazing four... Five Million Downloads! Comeback Time Two Years! Time to Bounce Back! One Year! Might Miss an Upload Date
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