ThiefOfWords (5134298)
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XandralynnJan 30, 2020
Hi there,
Thanks for letting me know. It appears the CC (a roof recolor) was removed from the site that I linked, sometime after I made the upload. Unfortunately I cannot repost this link as I am unable to find this recolor by the same artist elsewhere, however if you place the lot in your game as normal, the roofs (some of which will have reverted to the game's default texture) can be replaced with EA's glass roofs - this will give the lot a fairly similar appearance to what it would have been with the CC. Hope this helps,
- Xan
InelizJan 28, 2020
Hello. Please make sure you place that lot with the following cheats entered prior to lot placement:
✦ bb.moveobjects on
✦ bb.showhiddenobjects
✦ bb.showliveeditobjects
The moveobject cheat is especially important to have turned on. Other than this, I don't know what could be causing a problem. I don't experience this error when I download and place this lot in my game.
Hope this helps!