Keepsake Kennels - 2 Bd Home
Sims 3 — Keepsake Kennels - 2 Bd Home by Illiana — The perfect home for dog lovers, Keepsake Kennels boasts a 3 run dog

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Created for: The Sims 3

The perfect home for dog lovers, Keepsake Kennels boasts a 3 run dog kennel with grooming/bathing area, indoor and outdoor dog runs, and an office where prospective buyers can watch your puppies while you watch them. The house includes pool, small garden, attached garage, landscaping, formal dining w/fireplace, large kitchen, deck, and outdoor entertainment area. All skills/alarms/phones - Fully tested - Homes by Illiana of TSR ATTN: PETS IS REQUIRED! Thanks!

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I have:

World Adventures


Late Night

Outdoor Living Stuff

High End Loft Stuff

Fast Lane Stuff


Town Life Stuff

Hidden Springs (World)

Master Suite Stuff

Diesel Stuff



Sunlit Tides (World)

Riverview (World)

Lucky Palms (World)


University Life

Aurora Skies (World)

Island Paradise

Dragon Valley (World)

I ALWAYS patch my games. Lot was built in Hidden Springs. I highly recommend that you have all of these if you want the rooms to look the same. If not, objects you do not have will simply turn into something that you do already have. Patterns and such will also revert and this will make the rooms look different than in the pictures. Thanks!

  • Price Unfurnished: 157630
  • Price Furnished: 280134
  • Furnished: Fully
  • Decorated: Throughout
  • Bedrooms: 2
  • Bathrooms: 3
  • Stories: 2
  • Lot Size (z): 60
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There are 11 comments on this article

Forevercute1023 ∙ Apr 7, 2017

I'm totally going to install this!!!!!\:wub\:

dysautomom VIP ∙ Aug 23, 2014

This is so cool. I was actually just trying to figure out how to do an animal rescue or something like this! Thanks!\:wub\:

SunflowerGurl VIP ∙ Aug 18, 2014

love this thanks\:\)

breeziana09 ∙ Dec 23, 2013

freaking love this shit \:wub\:

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