micha89 (2558684)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (207 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

No Name Dress Set
Published Jan 12, 2014
About Me
I'm nearly 20 years old girl from Poland, After playing The Sims & later The Sims 2 for years I finally started creating CC, I mostly make walls & floors, but I also recolor objects & try to create clothes for sims,
My Latest Updates Show All
computer problems-againWritten Aug 27, 2012
My computer died. There's no point in fixing that-it would cost too much & I don't have money now to buy new one. My mother said though that she might buy me a used laptop(3 or so years old) in the middle of september. I can't wait-I miss TSR, the Sims & above all, creating new things. I have few ideas for recolors & new outfits. Thanks for all comments-I appreciate them :) ...More
Life keeps me busy...Written Apr 22, 2012
first of all-belated thank you for becoming Select Artist & all the comments that followed :) secondly I'll be taking a little hiatus-my computer keeps crashing so I must re-install it all which might take a while... I have two outfits that I'm going to upload & then I'll have nothing for week or so-I don't really know how long it take, because I'm overloaded with homework... ...More
problems solvedWritten Jul 22, 2011
my computer is fixed now-the hard drive only disconnected. unfortunately there were some viruses as well & though I managed to restore nearly everything, the most recent recolors were lost. if I'll have patience & time I shall recolor Cash's Little Princess set again(in cream & blue damask). for now I have prepared several walls & floors & some recolors of Maxis' paintings.... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
GemiJul 26, 2014
Very nice things
Cassidy simsMay 23, 2013
I really like your design and I want to ask you if you turn started to form in TS2.
i´m sorry my bad english
NataliSDec 25, 2012
Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!