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Created for: The Sims 3
Hi! These are three swimsuits I made today for Women. Many things on the swimsuits are recolorable:
- It's background colour ^^
-The pattern on the breasts (One of the swimsuit don't have it at all)
-The little circles (I don't know how to call them ^^')
It's not a new mesh, I made it from a swimsuit of the game. They are for Young Adults and Adults. I have to say that they fit better on women with "big" breasts. The result will not be as good on small breasts. By small, I mean really smaller than the Sim on my pictures ;)
I hope you like it, and sorry for the bad english.
Short URL:
ItemID: 966648
Filesize: 990 KB
- Type : Outfits
- Style : Swimwear
- Age : Young Adult, Adult
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