The Ruination of Mashburn
Sims 3 — The Ruination of Mashburn by gissence — A more thorough collection of screen shots can be found here:

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Created for: The Sims 3

A more thorough collection of screen shots can be found here:

As alluded to in the story pics, my sincere plan is to make a tomb version of this at some point, but first I have to get over the learning curb.

In the main vestibule, which rises 4 stories inside, there is a dive pool and also a number of buydebug items, so you have to turn on the cheat if you want them. Up the grand staircase there are two rather modest apartment units but that may change in the tomb version. One is a two bdrm on two floors, the other is a one bdrm on a single floor.

1. Ctrl - Shift - c (all at once)
2. testingcheatsenabled true
3. buydebud on

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ItemID: 1019219

Filesize: 5 MB

The EA Creations below were used in this Creation.

  • Price Unfurnished: 172081
  • Price Furnished: 194621
  • Furnished: Partly
  • Decorated: Throughout
  • Bedrooms: 3
  • Bathrooms:
  • Stories: 6
  • Lot Size (z): 40
0 Creations in this set
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There are 14 comments on this article

HollyZee ∙ Mar 1, 2014

LOL, enjoyed it. Thanks

fabrizioammollo ∙ Jan 21, 2012


RepulsiveDesire ∙ Nov 5, 2010

Oh wow how did I miss this one. I love the presentation, the story is very cute. And as usual your building skills have left me in awe. Positively brilliant.

djehmli ∙ Oct 30, 2010

Bwhaaa, absolutely outstanding.

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